Chapter Three - Of Self Defense, Investigations, and Discoveries

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After a few minutes, everyone in the gym had paired off. Clay and Hannah faced each other, as did Jessica and Alex. Justin squared up against Zach, and Monty and Bryce grinned at each other, while taking occasional leering glances at Hannah. Everyone else faced each other with nervous expressions. Colonel O'Neill, Teal'c, and Coach Rick walked among the students, making sure everyone was lined up, with O'Neill giving occasional constructive criticism regarding their stances.

O'Neill reached the last pair, Clay and Hannah, who were gazing at each other intently, both in defensive stances, ready for action. He gave a nod of approval. "Way to set a good example for the rest of the class... " he glances at his clipboard, "Baker, and Jensen."

Rick looked around at the pairs. "Alright, I want each of you to attempt to knock your opponent down onto the mat. No head grabs, no groin shots, no attempts to break limbs. Anyone, and I mean -anyone- attempting to do so," and here, he glared at Bryce and Monty, "will be removed, and you will fail my class. I expect all of you to take this seriously." He blew his whistle, and they were off. Within the first few minutes, Jess and Alex had each knocked each other down at the same time, and Justin and Zach were grappling with even strength. Clay hesitated, not wanting to hurt Hannah. That hesitation cost him, as he became subject to a low kick that caused him to stumble back.

"C'mon, Helmet, are you really expecting me to hold back?" There was a playful twinkle in Hannah's eyes as she asked him the question.

Clay grinned in response. "No, I suppose not. I guess I won't either." And so saying, he moved in, meeting her strike with one of his own. For a few minutes, they struck and blocked, each managing to stay ahead of the other. Clay rushed forward, intending to take Hannah off guard, but she met him head on, and pushed with all her strength, sending him down backwards onto the mat. Her momentum carried her forward, and she thrust her hands out, breaking her fall, and found herself staring right into his eyes. She noted that they were a very nice shade of blue, and felt that she could get lost in them forever. Clay's face turned red, and she guessed hers did the same. They barely heard the whistle blow.

"Alright, everyone, nice work!" O'Neill walked between the groups and smiled approvingly at all of them. Beside him, Teal'c observed them in silence, and caught Alex's gaze as he helped Jessica to her feet. Teal'c nodded at him respectfully before moving on.

"Well, it seems you all know what to do when someone sneaks up on you in a dark alley. Let's take five." O'Neill turned away, and the students mingled among themselves.

"Did you see Baker and Jensen? They have a thing for each other. The nerd and the slut, who would have thought?" Monty laughed at his own "joke" as he leered at Hannah.

"She won't be satisfied by him for long... I'll show her what a real man is like." Bryce walked forward, and smacked Hannah right on her bottom. The sound reverberated through the gym like a gunshot, and everyone fell silent. Hannah turned around to face him looking angry, mortified, and devastated all at once. She raised a hand and slapped him, hard. That just made Bryce grin. "Hard to get, Hannah? That's not your style."

Hannah was about to respond with a scathing retort, when Bryce suffered a punch to the right side. Unfazed, Bryce turned to face Clay whose angry expression was soon replaced by surprise and fear.

"Now why did you do that?"

Clay found his voice, and broke through his fear. "What the fuck gives you the right to do that? You think you can just go around disrespecting Hannah like that?"

"Hear that, Hannah?" Bryce sneered, "your knight in nerd armor has come to your rescue. Well, Mr. Knight, it could be because she's asking for it. I've seen the way she looks at me."

"Oh, you mean with complete revulsion? I'm sure that look has been given to you by every girl you've ever met."

Bryces' eyes narrowed. "You're dead, Jensen!" he snarled, and leapt at Clay, hitting him with an uppercut that knocked Clay off his feet, and he fell painfully to the ground. Before he could get up, Bryce punched him hard again, then grabbed his arm, and moved it back, ready to break it. Through the pain, Clay heard Hannah scream his name...

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