Chapter Five: Skyfall

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Hannah Baker

8:00 AM

Crestmont California

Hannah woke to the smell of omelet being cooked, and stretched. Getting dressed, she felt a smile coming on as she remembered yesterday, and the fact that Clay would show her the lunar eclipse tonight. She could think of no better way to spend the evening. Before that, however, she had to get through the day.

Not that I mind, she thought, as she sat down to breakfast. Today was going to be great. She was sure of it.

After breakfast, Hannah left to go meet the rest of her friends at Eisenhower Park for a walk. Despite it being December, the sun was out, with the weather in the mid 50s, so it was perfect. As Hannah walked out the door, Olivia and Andy glanced at each other.

"She doesn't suspect anything?"

Andy grinned at his wife, "Not a thing. Everything's all set."

Olivia returned her husband's smile. "She'll be in for a surprise when she gets back!"

Eisenhower Park

Hannah Baker, Jessica Davis, Alex Standall

8:30 AM

It took Hannah roughly 15 minutes to drive from her house to Eisenhower Park, with Jessica and Alex showing up a further 15 minutes later, having elected to walk. Hannah couldn't help but notice a distinct lack of the full group.

"Where's Clay?"

Jessica shrugged, "He has some paper to write. He said he was almost done, but I'm betting he waited till now to start writing."

Hannah rolled her eyes. "Classic Helmet... alright, guess it's just us, then."

Alex and Jess nodded, and together, the three friends began their walk, Hannah giving the slide where Justin took the picture with less-than-innocent intentions, a baleful side glance.

Jessica noticed, and glanced sympathetically at her. "It sucks... what he did, but... you can still make good memories here. Maybe walk here with Clay sometime."

Hannah glanced at her, and smiled slightly at the thought. "That sounds like a great idea.Thanks, Jess, you know just what to say to me."

Jess returned the smile. "What would you do without me, Harriet?"

Hannah giggled, Alex watching their exchange with a suppressed laugh of his own. His smile faded after a minute, as he got an uneasy feeling that they were being watched. This suspicion soon proved to be correct, as he noticed a figure, seemingly on a walk of his own, but Alex couldn't help but notice that the figure always seemed to be lurking just a little way off from them, not approaching them, but also not letting them out of his or her sight. This did not go unnoticed by his two friends.

"What's up Alex?" Hannah asked.

"You see that? I think someone's following us. I don't mean to sound paranoid, but..." Jessica and Hannah peered into the direction Alex was pointing, shielding their eyes against the sun.

"Doesn't that look like the guy who was with Jack? What was his name?" Hannah frowned, trying to place the name.

"Teal'c, I think." Jessica said. "Maybe he's just out for a stroll?"

Alex shook his head. "If that were the case, he wouldn't be keeping us within sight. See how he hasn't really made and effort to either catch up with or pass us?" He grew angry. "I bet my Dad told him to spy on us."

"Okay, now you're being paranoid. Your Dad's a police officer, and a lot of people have gone missing recently. Maybe he's just looking out for us." Jessica placed a hand on Alex's shoulder reassuringly. "Maybe we should talk to him."

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