Chapter Six: Formerly Winter

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In memory of Kazuki Takahashi


Liberty High School 10:30 AM

Five days after Skyfall

The worldwide meteor shower was the talk of the town over the course of the week. While concerned about its implications as much as everyone else, Hannah was just glad that the rumors flying around the school were, for once, not fixated on her or her friends. She and Clay still haven't quite gotten over the shock of nearly being hit by one of them. The previous night, she had a nightmare where it had.

Maybe that's the worst things will get she thought as she put her English textbook in her locker, and reached for her chemistry one, a freak meteor shower, a near miss, some nightmares brought on by shock... and that's all. Still, she couldn't put that night out of her mind, nor the conversations she had overheard between O'Neill and Carter.

The news reports have also been largely speculative, with unconfirmed sightings of strange pods being found at the crash sites. However, no one was able to get a good look, since the crash sites had soon been cordoned off by the Air Force in the US, and the British Royal Navy in the UK. There were even rumors that those soldiers were acting under a unified organization which no one yet knew the name of. These allegations were of course, denied by the United Nations, but even so, human nature ensured that speculation would run rampant and leave conspiracy theorists occupied for years to come.

Hannah was brought out of her musings by Clay waving at her as he approached, having gotten his own textbooks. She waved back, feeling her face heat up just a little. Though the kiss between them was a week old, neither Clay nor Hannah felt that much time had passed. Although neither of them had yet formalized the relationship, she knew that would happen in time... preferably sooner rather than later.

"Hey, Han!" Clay said cheerfully as he caught up to her.

"Hey, yourself, Helmet." she responded, smiling. Together they held hands as they walked to their next class, completely enraptured with each other. So much so, that they failed to notice a certain jock glaring at the pair.

Bryce was furious. That geek Jensen had humiliated him last week, and to add insult to injury, Hannah was with the scrawny nerd instead of him. He knew that Hannah wanted him... he had seen it in her eyes, or so he thought. In truth, he wanted her because she had stood up to him. To him, this was a greater transgression than his humiliation at the hands of Jensen and those military stooges. He would make them all pay, and take what he rightfully deserved.

Soon, he thought, soon,they'll all see just what Bryce Walker is made of. I own this school, and this town...

Clay and Hannah walked past him, hand in hand, neither of them giving Bryce a second glance.

At the other end of the hall, Teal'c watched the pair, a silent guardian seeing his charges off safely to their next class. He was sure they would not appreciate being followed, but still, he had his orders. He didn't trust Bryce Walker who had attempted to do them harm. Moreover, Teal'c had his own suspicions about Bryce. Suspicions that went beyond him being a mere jock and bully. He could only hope he was wrong.

Sadly, his intuition proved rarely to be wrong in these circumstances.

11:30 AM

Clearance Level: Alpha-Omega-5-MAX

General George Hammond summoned to the Pentagon

Washington D.C.

The ride from Colorado to D.C. was a somber affair. Normally Hammond was more than happy to engage in conversation with the pilot, but today, his mind was preoccupied with his troubled thoughts, the result of two consecutive sleepless nights, and the fallout from the meteor shower.

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