Prologue: Hannah Baker

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First Broadcast - 1400 Hours, Location, Unknown Invasion +2 weeks

"Hey, it's Hannah. Hannah Baker. Don't adjust the frequency, because let's face it, my voice is probably a welcome distraction from whoever that self-proclaimed DJ hogging the airways is. It's me, live, in stereo, and hidden. No breadcrumb trail, no refunds, and no requests. Get settled if you're safe, or keep moving with these airwaves because I'm about to tell you the story of my life. Or rather, how my life, as I had known it, ended. Oh, and if you're listening to this, hoping to track us down, don't bother, you fucking collaborator."

Prologue - Location: Crestmont, California. 5 days before Skyfall

"High school. Seems like a whole lifetime ago, not just two weeks. Back then, my biggest concern was just getting through that hellhole with a GPA good enough for NYU, and surviving whatever rumors teenagers like to start. You know the ones."

Hannah Baker moved swiftly through the halls of Liberty High, trying to ignore the stares that followed. She wished she could just disappear, that she had never went to the park with Justin. Then he wouldn't have taken that damn photo, and she wouldn't have a target painted on her back. But that was, for better or worse, life at Liberty High. Perhaps, that was just high school life. However, that didn't mean she had to like it. Her eyes then fell on her locker, more specifically, the person standing by her locker awaiting her arrival. Clay Jensen, one of her only friends at Liberty High, and probably the only person reminding her that she was still sane.

She had other friends too, of course, in the forms of Alexander Standall and Jessica Davis. The four of them had formed a close friendship when Hannah had first moved to Crestmont and seemed inseparable, becoming members of a self-made club they called "FML" for reasons known only to them. Then after Justin had taken that damn photo, the rumors started to spread, rumors that Hannah was the "class slut", and that had come close to throwing that friendship into serious jeopardy.

Rumors. Unchecked, they spread like wildfire, ruined reputations, destroyed lives. And high school rumors were the absolute worst.

"Yes. The absolute worst. If that was all I had to deal with, then maybe life wouldn't be so bad... yeah. That's what I thought... it's only been a week since I've had something remotely considered a normal life. Seems like a lifetime ago."

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