Chapter Two - Chasing Shadows

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Location: Colorado Springs, Four days before Skyfall

The house was like any other on the suburban street. Except for the pond out back. Usually, the occupant could be found by that pond, rod in hand, enjoying a quiet day of fishing, which was not unusual except of course, there were no fish in that pond. However, tonight, Major Samantha Carter did not find the person she was looking for there. Instead, she spotted a ladder by the houses' front door leading up to the shingled roof, and a small patio where a tall man stood, gazing into his telescope at the night sky, his brow furrowed in concentration, his dark brown hair cropped in military style.

Carter ascended the ladder, and gazed for a long moment at her superior officer, her team's leader, her best friend. She had hoped more would happen between them, but of course, their job prevented such things. She was content to stand there, and stare, imagining a life with him that she knew she wanted, but most likely, could never be. Then, she cleared her throat, announcing her presence.

"Hey, Colonel."

Colonel Jack O'Neill turned around, lowering his telescope, and raised an eyebrow.

"Carter. We're on vacation. Didn't I order you to take a break?" He gestures at her in full uniform, dress blues and all.

Sam smiled slightly. "Yes sir. Unfortunately, General Hammond had it cut short. There's been another one, sir. This time in a town in California, called Crestmont."

The name jogged something in O'Neill's memory. "Isn't that where that officer you went to the academy with is stationed?"

"Bill Standall, yes sir. Hammond figured that a familiar face would encourage him to be more cooperative. You know how local law enforcements feel about the Air Force."

O'Neill returned her smile with an edge of sarcasm. "All too well. Alright, I'll get everyone else together. When do we leave?"


"So, Daniel is going to miss that conference. What a shame. What about Teal'c?"

"T is ready to go. If all goes well, sir, this shouldn't be anything too bad. Probably just a few runaways."

O'Neill nodded, not really sharing her optimism. Things rarely turned out to be that smooth in their line of work. "Yeah. Runaways."


"Hey, it's Hannah again. I bet my voice is better than that noise the DJ calls singing. We've been on the move for about three days, but we're still alive, so that counts for something. Anyway, where was I?"

//Trace prog tracking source... ... ...
[ERR: Trace prog failed]



Location: Crestmont, California, three days before Skyfall

Crestmont Police Department 0930

William Standall leaned back in his chair, and sighed. It had been three days since the disappearance of yet another Crestmont resident. At first, the disappearances had gone unnoticed, a few homeless here and there. Unnoticed by the rest of the department perhaps, but not by Deputy Standall, who hoped to set an example for the force by being the good and honest cop he believed should be the rule, and not as was often the case, the exception. This time, it had been George Dempsey. Bill frowned at the report, not really seeing the words. He had seen George only a few days ago. He can only imagine the hell his family was currently going through, and fervently hoped that the next missing persons report wouldn't be that of his son. His introspection was soon interrupted by a knock at his office door. He looked up, eyes widening at the unexpected presence before his face broke out into a smile.

"No way... Sam?"

Samantha Carter stepped forward, blonde hair cropped short, dressed in her navy blue casuals with her rank of Major being denoted by the gold oak leaf design weaved into the uniform below a few medals and bars pinned to the chest. Standall got up to shake her hand, and she drew him into a short friendly hug.

"Hey, Bill, it's been awhile."

"I'll say! A Major? Congratulations!"

Sam smiled in thanks, then her expression darkened slightly.

"As glad as I am to see you after so long, Bill, this isn't exactly a social call."

Standall's smile faded, the missing persons, momentarily forgotten, brought to the forefront once again. "I take it you've heard about the disappearances. No offense, Sam, but does the Air Force have jurisdiction in this matter? I know you work in NORAD, so if it's classified-"

Carter nodded, sadly. "Some of it is, Bill, but... I trust you, and put in a good word with my CO. If this turns out to be an unrelated case, then it will remain classified. But if we can draw a connection... then I've been authorized to bring you to Cheyenne Mountain for full disclosure, on the condition that you not repeat what you hear to anyone. Not to your friends, colleagues, or family."

The deputy frowned at that. "Sam, what's going on? And what about the Sheriff? You know how he feels about top secret Air Force crap."

"Don't worry about the Sheriff, Deputy. If you ask me, it should be you leading the force. You've done more good for this town than he's ever attempted."

Standall looked down at George's case, then at the photo beside it, that of his wife, and son. Noticing, Sam followed his gaze. "We'll find him, Bill."

"I hope so. He's a good man. Raised his son right..."

"How is Alex, by the way?"

"Fine. He's in school by now... Major... Sam. I don't want the next case to be him. Promise me you'll keep an eye on him for me."

Carter smiled. "Don't worry, Bill. My commanding officer is seeing to that right now."

Location: Liberty High School, Gym, Three days before Skyfall

"Hey Jensen! Watch your head!"

Clay barely had time to look up before the basketball hit him square in the face. He stumbled back, and fell to the ground, not letting out a sound, not wanting to give the perpetrator the satisfaction. Said perpetrator, Monty de la Cruz was already stalking toward him with a look of fake apology on his face, flanked by Zach Dempsey, and Justin Foley. The head honcho of the group, Bryce Walker, watched from the front row bleachers, an unpleasant smirk adorning his face.

"Sorry about that, Cory, didn't see you there." Monty sneered, retrieving the basketball.

Clay shook his head, and got up, not saying a word.

"What's wrong? Too good to talk to me, Jensen?"

Clay stepped forward about to retaliate, but stopped when Hannah placed a hand on his shoulder. He relaxed, and stepped back. They weren't worth it. By this point, Bryce left his position at the bleachers and rejoined his gang.

"C'mon, Jensen, you're just going to take that from Monty, and you're letting Big Butt Baker stop you?"

Clay snarled. "Bryce, you take that back or-"

"Or what, Jensen? You can't hurt me."

"Guys, stop!"

Bryce, Justin, and even Monty looked with surprise at Zach's sudden outburst.

"Going soft, Dempsey?" Monty snorted.

"Shut up, Monty." Zach shook his head in disgust and walked away.
Bryce watched him leave, a condescending smirk on his face. "The fuck's his problem?"

"Hey man, quit it." Justin was Bryce's number one, always backing him, and looking out for him, but today, even he knew the jock had crossed a line. "His dad is missing."

"So? Doesn't give him the right to-"

"Just shut up." Justin turned away, and followed Zach. It would not be the last time he questioned who his real friends were. Bryce and Monty rolled their eyes. All they were doing was having a bit of fun messing around.

Besides, Bryce thought, she knows she likes it. He leered at Hannah who looked away from his uncomfortable gaze.

"Is there a problem here?" Their coach had finally entered the gym. Bryce shook his head. "No, Coach." After everyone had completed their exercise routine of push ups, crunches, and sit ups, Coach Rick, blew his whistle. 

"Alright, boys and girls, today we are going to be focusing on an important skill which you may not need, but is good to learn regardless: Self defense. Now you guys are in for a treat, because today, I have some special instructors with me! They are esteemed members of our own United States Air Force, and they will be supervising today's lesson!" 

Right on cue, the gym doors swung open, and two men strode into the room. One was of seemingly average height and build, his dark brown hair cropped in military style, wearing a black shirt, green vest, camo pants, and a baseball cap swinging casually in his left hand. The second man was bald, dark-skinned, and dressed in a black T-shirt, and green pants, and was also very heavily muscled. Just one look at him, and Clay knew not to cross him, unless he wanted to be broken like a twig. The first man nodded at Coach Rick, placed his cap firmly on his head, and turned to face the assembled students, smiling kindly, but firmly.

"Morning, kids. Today, my friend and I are going to be teaching you how to defend yourselves. Like your coach said, you may not need these skills in every day life, but they could go a long way to saving you, or others close by. My name is Colonel Jack O'Neill. That's O'Neill, with two L's. There is another Jack O'Neil in the Air Force with one L, and he has absolutely no sense of humor. That's how you know to differentiate us, boys and girls. I'm the cool one. My friend here," he gestured to the bald man, "is Teal'c. I expect each of you to treat us, with the respect we are due. Any derogatory comments about myself, Teal'c or any of your fellow classmates will result in your immediate dismissal from this class! Am I understood?"

A few murmurs of ascent rippled through the room. Bryce and Monty were not paying attention, instead glancing surreptitiously at Hannah and Jess's backsides. O'Neill frowned, and raised his voice slightly, giving it a stronger air of command. "I said, am I understood?"

This time, the response was prompt, and immediate. "Yes Colonel!" resounded from the assembled students in unison. O'Neill's demeanor became friendly once again. "Good. Pair off, and let us begin."

"Colonel Jack O'Neill. It's funny, when we first met him that day, I wasn't sure what to make of him. One minute he's cracking jokes, the next, he was acting like a typical drill sergeant you'd see on TV or film. But he's a genuine soul. And his friend, Teal'c... man of few words, but he got shit done. We all grew to respect them that day. Well, most of us, anyway."

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