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Austin and I were making out heavily, still in my room naked. I probably would've gotten round two if my sister didn't walk in. I pulled back and pulled the duvet up.

"What do you want?" I groaned. Austin chuckled and laid his head on my chest. I started playing with his hair.

"I just needed your mirror. Jeez."


"I'm going on a date."

"Oh hell no your not. Not without me knowing who it is."

"His name is Mark. He's nice."

"What's his last name?" I asked. I pulled on my boxers and kissed Austin's head.

"Hoppus." She replied. "It smells like sex in here."

"Because I just got laid. Stop making jokes Jaelyne."

"Jackson. Mark Jackson." I'm pretty sure all the blood just left my face.

"He's eighteen. He's in my grade. He's a douche bag."

"Well, he's nice to me."

"You are not leaving this house with him. Do you know how many girls he's hooked up with?!"

"Yeah. But I don't care."

"You're staying here. I will call mum."

"No you won't."

"Try me, Jaelyne. Stay here and I won't call mum. Go with Mark and he will have hell to pay because he will hurt you. I know him."

"How?!" She yelled.

"Because we used to date. He hit me all the time and I'm not letting my little sister go through that."

Austin was cuddling me now. "When did you date him?"

"When I was fourteen. We 'dated' for two years. He abused me for two years. Why do you think I have to go to therapy?"

I looked at Austin and he kissed my forehead. "It's okay, love. He's not gonna hurt you. I won't let him."

"He said he would never hurt me."

"He told me that too. But he did. Don't do it."

"You can't protect me forever Alan."

"But I can protect you now and I am. You're not going."

"I am. Watch me." She sassed. She walked out and I got up. I ran after her and grabbed her arm.

"Don't do it. I don't want you to be like me."

"He said he would protect me and not hurt me."

"Jae, I know what he's like. Trust me. I went through that for two years. Why do you think I'm suicidal? Jae, he's not gonna do that to you and you're not gonna become like I am. I love you too much for you to get hurt."

"Alan, please. It's one date."

"No. Jaelyne please."

"I'll look like a dork."

"Tell him something came up."

"Like what?"

"Family shit." I replied.

"Ugh. Fine." I relaxed in Austin's arms and she texted him. She ran into her room and Austin pulled boxers on. I looked at him as he crawled back into bed.

"Mm. I love you." He mumbled and laid his head on my chest.

"I love you, too, Aust." I whispered and played with his hair. He kissed my stomach and I chuckled. "Did you use protection?" I asked.

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