Chapter 1: I'm not leaving

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"What?!" Ethan shouted, still unable to believe his own ears. "You can't make me move to the fucking Amerika in the middle of my high school!" voice exasperate and loud voice filled the air.

"Ethan I know how frustrating this can be and everything but I can't leave you here alone" Boy's dad tried to reason doing his best to counter. Although not persuasive enough to believe, he pushed it further.

"Why not, huh? I can live at Emma's. We know the family from my literal infant days, I'm sure it can be solved in some other way without me flying over the fatass Atlantic, dad" Evan hissed, his eyebrows drown together. He refused to acknowledge his own helplessness in the situation. Why did his father had to get this damn promotion. Yeah it's nice bla-bla but it was no appeal to Ethan, especially when it meant being away from his friends. He hoped the cat is coming with him. No, it is coming with him.

Ethan can't give up on people and places with priceless memories he cares about so simply, the house he was raised in and ugly buildings down the street, where ironically the wildest parties always took place. The price his dad asked for was not bit low, but it looked like he did have no word in this situation.

"Please Ethan, I can't drop you in a family of five and live peacefully with that. They have problems to deal with besides your maintenance." The brown-haired adult argued and continued instantly to not let his son contradict him once again. "I've already talked with your auntie Meghan, and she gladly agreed to host you. Your flight is in two weeks so I believe it's enough time for you to properly goodbye everyone you want and pack everything you need" He said reassuringly, hopefully not making the kid even angrier.

Auntie Meghan, a funny woman in her 50s, taking all the best out of her life. At least it was nice to live with her and not some other crazy cookie. Despite a nice place to live in, he was more than disappointed, distinct frown and brows furrowed in despair, made their way on Ethan's face. It was way too hot and too much to handle, he had to escape the house to think about everything that fell onto his poor mind. Just like that, not bothering to change his sleepers, Ethan left, wishing to be further from the house.

His legs were leading him absentmindedly to the local Park, where children cried loudly and dogs ran around, peeing at every tree within their range of vision. Funny how this is the place he's gonna miss so much. But it's not the park or the school he'll long for, but rather people. Louis, Nick and Emma and a bunch of other guys he managed to bond with in the span of not so easy 17, almost 18, years of his life. How would one be able to leave their whole life behind and spontaneously move overseas because their dad have to work in some Germany.

In post-shock state his head cleared a bit, but realising everything made it impossible for Ethan not to cry. Silent tears rolled down his cheeks. This happens often when his mind wandered in remembrance of his beautiful, loving mother. So sweet and caring and also destined to be forgotten and left behind here. Neither Ethan nor his dad is staying in the town, therefore neglecting the dearest person to both of them six feet under. Dead do not care he wanted to convince himself, yet it didn't help. At the dismal thoughts his eyes started watering, vision blurred while silent sobs freely escaped his mouth. He can't leave it all, he simply cannot and will not. It's not allowed to happen. But deep inside he understood that there was no other way managing this shitty situation. That was so unfair, he would give a lot to bring everything back, but is life ever fair?

As it started getting dark Ethan went home.

"I'm taking the cat with me" were the first words, as the boy came in. His father sat on the couch with Fred, the cat in question, who chilled on his lap. Interrupted, their heads turned simultaneously at the boy, breaking their cozy session of looking through one of the photo albums.

His father glanced at the cat and agreed "Okay, but you'll have to watch after it". The elder man stood up to put the album away and let the white fluff run off. Sensing Ethans disturbance Fred ran up to him and rubbed himself leaning onto boy's leg as the tail went up. The boy took the cat in his hands and without sparing his dad any glance disappeared behind the door of his room upstairs, that also was soon to be cursed with his absence.

He let the cat free, pulled his phone out, wore his earphones and texted a group chat of three of his best friends and him.

"Y'all won't believe what my dad pulled out today..." He started typing to explain everything.

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