Chapter 29

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Time passes by where he starts questioning himself if he's even waiting for anyone, he decides to peek into the entrance as footsteps begin approaching from the doors. He quickly shuffles back before catching a glimpse of the person. Continuing to wait and to his convenience, the tall framed man appears before his eyes. Secretly tagging along, Hiro is making sure to maintain a safe distance. Hiro nervously observed every move of the teacher, hoping to discover something suspicious. After days of observation, he finally noticed some peculiarities at the teacher's house. Mr. Mori frequently entered and exited late at night, moving seemingly ordinary boxes in and out. Moreover, he observed the teacher digging alone in the backyard and mysteriously burying something. These strange behaviors only fueled Hiro's suspicions, and he resolved to report his findings to the police promptly.

With careful consideration, Hiro decided to inform the police of his suspicions and discoveries. Despite fearing for his safety, he knew it was the only way to bring justice to those lost children. He visited the local police station and shared all the information he had with experienced detectives.

The police initiated a thorough investigation, closely monitoring Mr. Mori's daily activities and delving into his background and past. As they gathered more evidence, their suspicion of the teacher deepened. However, Mr. Mori proved to be a master at hiding his true intentions, skillfully avoiding direct questions and using his intellect to confuse the police.

Through multiple interrogations, the detectives realized that Mr. Mori was cunning and calculated. He exhibited a profound understanding of human nature and seemed unfazed by their attempts to break him. As the investigation progressed, the police became aware of a secret room in Mr. Mori's house. There, they discovered chilling evidence—cameras and recording equipment filled with recordings of his students' personal lives, including their family struggles. The recordings depicted inhumane treatment and torture before each child's disappearance, with eerie gifts wishing them happiness in the afterlife.

The police now had compelling evidence to prove Mr. Mori's guilt. His facade as an amiable teacher had finally been shattered, revealing the horrifying truth—he is a cold-blooded serial killer who preyed on his own students. In the end, with the relentless efforts of the police, justice is served. The community is shocked to learn that the seemingly trustworthy teacher was, in fact, a monstrous murderer. Mr. Mori is swiftly taken in for further punishment, as if a dark misty cloud had shifted to reveal a bright and vibrant sky.

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