Chapter 19

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Navigating the labyrinth of the dimly lit streets, the two police officers find their tension twisting into a tangible knot in the pits of their stomachs. The ghostly pallor of the moon casting long, slithering shadows, the neon signs flickering like distant stars as they drive down the narrow neighborhood streets. They've been embarking on this relentless hunt for Himiko's father for what feels like an eternity. The car's dashboard casts a cool, low glow, reflecting off their weary yet resolute faces. The city sleeps peacefully, oblivious as they wage their silent battle against the ticking clock. The radio crackles to life, the dispatcher's voice cutting through the silence like a beacon. A vehicle matching their long-awaited description has been spotted. With this potential lead, the stakes has skyrocketed.

As the two officers cruise the streets, heading to the spot where they were given, a scene unfolds that snaps their attention to a halt. Bathed in the yellowish glow of a solitary streetlight, a lone figure draws their gaze - his actions setting off an alarm of suspicion. Cloaked in the deep shadows, the man moves with unease, his demeanor unnatural with haste and tension. The distance does little to mask the distinct aura of guilt that clings to him, a silent telltale sign that speaks volumes to the trained eyes of the officers. As they inch closer, the hazy contours of his form gain clarity under the harsh, unforgiving light of their cruiser's headlights. It's Himiko's father. A cold shiver of realization races down their spines, as time seems to freeze around them. In his hands, a knife. Its gleam is further accentuated by a dreadful stain, a streak of fresh crimson smeared on the rusted blade. His intent is clear, as he frantically tries to bury this damning piece of evidence.

The officers exchange another glance, silently communicating the gravity of the situation. In sync, they both jump out the car, raising their weapons towards the guilty man. "Put the weapon down!" One officer's voice cuts through the night, the commanding yell echoing down the empty streets. It's a clear, unambiguous command, ringing with authority and a definitive edge of danger. The air is charged with anticipation, as each moment heavy with the threat of imminent action. They brace for the man's next move, their fingers poised on the triggers of their weapons.

The neon sign flickers above them, casting an eerie glow on the dark pavement. The muffled sounds of laughter and music spill out from the bar's interior, contrasting starkly with the grim task ahead. The haze of cigarette smoke and the smell of spilled alcohol flows to where they stood. The low hum of conversations comes to a hush as patrons in the background. After hours of searching, there he was, a bottle of empty beer in one hand, and the bloodied knife in the other. Himiko's father looks weary, his face etched with lines of worry and pain. But there's something else in his eyes, something unsettling, a darkness that sends shivers down the officers' spines.

As Himoko's father slowly lays down the knife, he smirks in a drunken state. Unable to stand firmly on the ground, he stumbles as he raises his red stained hands into the air. The search was finally over. 

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