Chapter 26

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Time is ticking as Hiro's concern for Jun continues to grow. He knows that he can't waste any time; he needs to find a way to prevent Jun's disappearance, just as he did with Himiko. He replays the events leading up to Jun's disappearance in his mind, trying to figure out the exact day and time when he went missing in the original timeline.

After days of careful contemplation, he finally pinpoints the day when Jun disappeared – it was the same day they all decided to meet at the library after school. Hiro realizes that they had parted ways with Jun after their library meeting, and he was nowhere to be found the next day when he showed up to school.

Determined to change the course of events, Hiro devises a plan to prevent Jun's disappearance without telling anyone about the time travel and his knowledge of the future. He knows that the less he reveals about his ability, the safer it will be for everyone involved.

Hiro decides to approach Jun after their library meeting, in hopes to subtly steer him away from whatever danger awaits him. Hiro musters his courage and walks up to Jun as he's preparing to head home. "Hey, Jun," he says with a friendly smile. "Do you mind if I walk with you for a bit?"

Jun looks surprised but nods. "Sure, Hiro. What's on your mind?"

As they walk together, Hiro engages in casual conversation, talking about their studies and upcoming exams. He subtly suggests that they study and review a little more together at home for their upcoming exam. Hiro suggests going to his house as he was a bit further of a walk. Jun agrees and they make their way over.

As they part ways that evening, Hiro feels a sense of relief knowing that he has done his best to protect Jun without revealing the truth about the time travel.

The next day, Hiro keeps a close eye on Jun, making sure to check in with him throughout the day. Jun seems to be in good spirits, and Hiro starts to believe that they have successfully averted his disappearance. However, he knows that he can't let his guard down just yet. He continues to be vigilant, knowing that danger could still be lurking around the corner.

As the afternoon draws to a close, Hiro gathers his friends, including Jun, for another meeting at the library. He can't help but feel a sense of accomplishment that they have managed to keep Jun safe so far.

During the meeting, they spend time studying, and going through their work, as Hiro realizes how different of a reality he has created.

As the library's closing time approaches, Hiro decides that it's time for everyone to head home. He offers to walk Jun home, just as he did the day before. As they walk side by side, Hiro can't help but feel grateful that he has been given a second chance to protect his friends.

As they round a corner and Hiro is struck by a wave of icy realization. Nestled in the murky shadows, a sinister silhouette catches his eye, a lurking in the shadows. Hiro feels a cold shiver of recognition slither down his spine. His heartbeat quickens, a frenzied rhythm that thrums against his ribs, each beat echoing the gravity of the situation. He recognizes the danger the man presents, a ticking time bomb waiting to explode. Hiro calculates a plan. He subtly adjusts their course, steering Jun away from the ominous figure, the danger lurking just beyond his friend's awareness. As they drift further from the lurking danger, Hiro continues to maintain his cool exterior. The echo of his pounding heart slowly subsides with each retreating footstep. But underneath his façade, his concern remains, a vigilant guardian ready to leap into action at a moment's notice.

"Hey, let's take a different route today," Hiro suggests, trying to sound nonchalant. "I heard there's a shortcut this way."

Jun looks surprised but follows his lead. As they walk, Hiro keeps a close eye on the man, making sure they aren't being followed. He knows that he can't confront the man directly without risking Jun's safety, so he decides to lead him to a public area with visible path-ways where they can be safe.

"Jun, do you mind if we stop by the park for a bit?" Hiro asks, trying to sound casual.

Jun shrugs. "Sure, why not?"

Once they reach the park, Hiro discreetly keeps an eye on the surroundings, ensuring that they aren't being watched. He keeps the conversation light and casual, not wanting to alarm Jun.

As the sun sets and darkness envelops the park, Hiro knows that they must part ways. It has already been a decent amount of time that they stayed at the park, and he walks Jun home, making sure he gets safely inside his house before he heads back to his own.

Hiro's mind races with thoughts of how to protect Jun further without revealing himself. He knows that he can't do it all alone, but he also knows that he must be careful about who he involves in this dangerous situation. He decides to gather his friends and organizes a study group for him to keep track of Jun's well-being and ensure his safety without raising suspicions to himself.

Days turn into weeks, and Jun's well-being becomes his priority. Hiro is trying to navigate the complexities of school life while simultaneously guarding against the looming threat that hangs over Jun. The library, once a place of books and quiet study, transforms into a sanctuary of friendship and security, a place where Hiro and his friends can face whatever challenges come their way, united.

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