Chapter 8

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As Kelly arrives at the Hinazuki residence, she finds it in disarray and unkempt. The gate hanging by loose screws that barely allow it to open. Walking past the gate, she is greeted by an unkept overgrown garden with the smell of rotten fruits. The atmosphere is tense, reflecting the troubled family dynamics within. With a heavy heart, she knocks on the door, preparing herself to face whatever she may find. The door creaks open, revealing a worn-down, sloppy-looking woman.

"Who are you? What do you want?" she exclaims as she peaks through the small crack in the door.

Kelly takes a deep breath, her voice firm yet gentle, "My name is Kelly Miya, and I'm Hiro's mother. I've heard about Himiko and the difficult situation she's been through. I'm here because I care about her and want to help."

Akemi seems taken aback by the directness and genuine concern in Kelly's voice, hesitating for a moment, she nods and carefully lets her inside. The inside of the house is somehow worse than the outside. With floorboards missing and spiderwebs that fill each corner of the house. As they sit down on the beaten sofa, Akemi brings over some tea to share. After a while of small talk, Akemi finds the courage to open up about her husband's abusive behavior and their difficult family situation. Kelly could see the layers of pain and desperation beneath the surface. Stepping closer, she placed a reassuring hand on Akemi's shoulder. Tears well up in Akemi's eyes as she begins to speak, "Two nights ago, my husband came home drunk, and he got violent. He knocked me unconscious, and when I woke up, both he and Himiko were gone." She was shaken up and unable to form long sentences with details. Akemi expressed that she didn't know what to do as she began to break down in tears.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that Akemi, I understand that life can be challenging, but taking it out on Himiko is not the solution," Kelly gently admonishes as she held Akemi in her arms. "She's just a young girl who needs love and support, especially during difficult times."

Akemi looked down in shame, wiping her tears away, unable to defend her actions. "I know... I know I've failed as a mother. But I love Himiko, and I don't want to lose her."

Kelly reaches out with compassion "It's not too late to change, Akemi. Seek help, and find support for both of you. Himiko deserves a safe and nurturing home."

At that moment, the conversation shifts to Himiko's disappearance, "Right now, we need to find Himiko and make sure she's safe" Kelly says understanding time is of the essence. After some brainstorming, they both agree that the best course of action is to ask for aid from the police.

Soon, they find themselves in a bustling police station in the middle of Kōriyama. Men and women alike, dressed in blue uniforms all rushing in a synchronized chaos. Akemi and Kelly are soon escorted into a bland room with nothing other than a few seats and a boring table. Akemi begins to explain their current situation but is cut off by the skeptical police. The police initially assume that Himiko may have run away and suggest that she might return on her own or her father may have taken her away, hesitant to open an official investigation. Despite their pleas and insistence that something is wrong, the police remain adamant about their stance. Kelly knows that Himiko's life could be in danger, and she can't afford to let bureaucracy delay the search for her. Akemi continues to plead to the police, "Please, you have to help us. My daughter Himiko is just a young girl, and she might be in danger. We can't waste any more time."

The officers finally relent after witnessing their genuine concern and desperation. They file the missing person report, but the delay weighs heavily on Akemi's mind. Throughout this ordeal, Kelly's resolve remains unwavering. Kelly remains a steadfast pillar of support for Akemi, offering her comfort and understanding. She vows to do everything she can to find Himiko and bring her back to safety. "Alright it's getting late, you did great today Akemi" she says exchanging contacts before waving her off back home.

As she enters the house, she finds Hiro sitting in the dark on the couch, his eyes glued to the television screen. The news anchor's voice fills the room, reporting about the ongoing search for a missing girl.

"Hiro," Kelly calls out gently, drawing his attention away from the television.

He turns to his mother, his expression heavy with worry and sadness. "Mom, I saw it on the news. It's about Himiko, right?"

Kelly takes a deep breath, her heart aching for her son and his friend. She moves closer to him, her arms surrounding him with her comforting grasp. "Yes, it's about Himiko. I filed a missing person report with the police. They're doing everything they can to find her."

Tears fill up Hiro's eyes, and he clings tighter to his mother's presence. "I just can't believe this is happening, Mom. She didn't deserve any of this."

"I know, Hiro," Kelly replies softly, pulling her son into her warm embrace.

He knows that his mother is doing everything she can to help, and he feels a renewed sense of determination to find Himiko and protect his friends. 

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