Chapter 20

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As Hiro makes his way to the library through the crowded streets, a shop catches the corner of his eye. An urgent news bulletin blares from a nearby electronics store. The display TVs in the window are all tuned to the same breaking news, but something felt off about the formatting. Hiro moves closer to the window to inspect it. Instead of the regular blue titles at the bottom of the screen, it was bright orange-red with bolded letters flashing "Breaking News". His heart skips a beat as familiar faces flash across the screens - it's Himiko's parents. Hiro draws closer to the window, the words "Homicide" and "Arrest" ripping through the hum of his thoughts. The news anchor reports that Himiko's father has been arrested for murdering his wife. The world around Hiro blurs as shock shoots through him.

Struggling to comprehend the quick development, when a renewed sense of urgency reignites within him. Hiro sprints away, leaving the news bulletin echoing behind him. He pulls out his phone, quickly dialing the numbers of Jun and Kai.

Upon arrival at the library, he is greeted by not only Kai and Jun, but Sota and Akio as well. The shocking news had served as a wake-up call, reigniting their dwindling embers of hope.

"Let's do this," Jun says, his voice steady. Sota nods, his agreement a silent promise of the united front they once again present. The table they surround feels less like a stained piece of furniture now and more like a battle planning table.

"It can't be a coincidence," Hiro mumbles to himself. "Mr. Hinazaki was responsible for Himiko's disappearance too." The pieces of the puzzle seem to fit together too well now that Mr. Hinzaki was charged with his wife's murder. But without concrete evidence, it's difficult to prove his suspicions.

The next time Hiro sees his friends, he shares his concerns with them. "I saw the news report about Mr. Hinazaki, but they didn't mention anything about Himiko," he says, his voice filled with apprehension. "I can't help but think we were right and that he was also responsible for her disappearance before."

Pieces of information they had gathered before are viewed with fresh eyes, and each clue was a possible connection to Himiko's now-suspect father. However, they soon see that some pieces still refuse to fit the puzzle. Gaps in their timeline and motives that don't fully align. The inconsistencies become less of a roadblock and more of a challenge. They decide to look past the anomalies, focusing on the trail that seems to lead somewhere rather than the gaps that lead nowhere. Hiro soon realizes that this may be a crucial mistake, but from the excitement of new development, he becomes naive. Rather than pieces the puzzle together, they are forcing the pieces to fit their agenda.

The group decides to visit the police station to inquire about any updates on Himiko's case now that her father is caught.

At the police station, they are met by the officers who have been handling the investigation. The officers listen patiently to Hiro and his friends' concerns, understanding that they are deeply invested in finding the truth.

"We appreciate your concern," one of the officers says, "but as of now, Mr. Hinazaki has only been charged with one account of murder, that of his wife. The investigation into Himiko's disappearance is still ongoing."

Hiro's heart sinks at the officer's words. He had hoped that the arrest of Mr. Hinazaki would bring closure to Himiko's case, but it seems like they are no closer to finding out what happened to her.

"But what about the abuse we witnessed?" Kai interjects, his voice loud. "There must be some connection between that and Himiko's disappearance."

The officers nod, understanding their concerns, but they remain cautious in their response. "We are aware of the allegations of abuse," the officer says. "However, we need concrete evidence to establish a link between the abuse and Himiko's disappearance. As of now, we haven't found any direct evidence tying Mr. Hinazaki to her disappearance."

Hiro, hoping that their suspicions would lead to some breakthrough in the case, but it seems like they are once again at a dead end.

The officer continues, "Rest assured that we are doing everything in our power to find out what happened to Himiko. We understand that you all care deeply for her, and we will keep you updated with any developments."

As Hiro and his friends leave the police station, a sense of disappointment weighs heavily on their shoulders. They had hoped that their visit would yield some answers, but instead, it only deepens the mystery.

"I can't believe they dismissed us like that," Jun says, frustration evident in his voice.

Sota puts a comforting hand on Jun's shoulder. "We just have to keep searching for answers," he says. "We can't give up on Himiko."

The group agrees, ready to continue their investigation on their own. 

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