A Lead We Overlooked

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Dr. Ethan Kavanagh
I am keeping a low profile after the warrant searching Susan's place. Who would even suspect I was involved in getting interns to assist her and her help. Now they just need to keep my name out of it. If Kate and Anastasia got the brilliant idea of interviewing single good looking young billionaires of both sexes about their issues in finding the one. I mean come on who would read a book like that or even read the articles leading to writing not one but now it has grown to six books and all are best sellers. Especially since it's based on true stories. They don't know how close they are to the truth of it all. Grace Grey has been giving a few of my interns a once over. Jeremy Harper has definitely been nervous, he should be after taking it upon himself to rape and impregnate Mia Grey. His sister was the one the used to take Mia's place on the plane to Paris on my orders. She made it to Paris, but not out of the airport alive. I hated giving that order, but it was the only way I knew he would take us seriously. He and the other interns are staying in line now. I am being transferred to the New York location soon and the interns will soon be residents. All have blood on their hands and they have to keep quiet or lose everything including their ability to get their licenses, not to mention loss of parents, wives, children and loved ones including their pets. Kate has been trying to talk to me recently. I guess Mia put a bee in her bonnet about the fact that a medical professional had to be involved in keeping the victims and their babies alive for so long. I can't get involved with any of that, Kate will see the guilt all over my face. I thought Susan and I were soulmates until she dragged me into her mess when I finally got my medical license. After helping her once she blackmailed me. I cherry picked the interns that I could easily manipulate into being part of all of Susan's plans. My bags are packed and I quietly resigned from my post as a general surgeon.

I found out that Ethan Kavanagh resigned a position here to move to New York and a lesser paying position at that. HR posted his position quietly on the bulletin board in their office. They already have people lining up for the job. None of them are his interns, that makes me very suspicious. Jeremy Harper is the best intern at the hospital, why he hasn't applied for the job is very questionable.

Detective Rogers
I start looking through financials on certain people and doctors. Just to be safe I even get financials on dr. Grey to rule her out as a suspect. Sometimes people get involved in investigations to make it appear they are innocent. It turned out she is very innocent. I got an irate phone call from Carrick Grey. To say I no longer suspected Grace Grey is a mild statement. The woman is saintly. Not a bad thing was written about her and only sour grapes were the only salt in her reputation. I checked the salty ones out and they were known troublemakers. Most were terminated with cause. Now we might just have to check them out. The worse one Sandra Moore seemed to have an influx of cash just after Mia Grey was kidnapped. Two suspects at this point, I start locating  Kavanagh's interns and it turns out Sandra Moore was one of them. Jeremy Harper was one as well, his sister apparently was found dead close to the airport in Paris, not long after Mia was supposed to have landed and left the airport. We are going to re open this case and dig deeper. I will need help with this and I get a strange phone call. One I near expected and one that wants to make a deal. Jeremy Harper the weak link in all of this.

I can't believe they re opened the case and they have a lead and someone came forward and brought his attorney to hammer out a deal. We discovered that he was Bella's father, not the one we were told was the father. So medical records were falsified and there were medical people involved in caring for the hostages and the babies. The detective is digging and can't give me anything else. He ruled Grace out. He explained he had to start with her first and he moved on. I don't think he has concrete evidence on anyone yet.

I am watching and waiting for Mia and Angel to come from their appointments and I see a doctor headed our way, I block him from getting close to Mia and Angel. He explains he is her sister in laws brother Ethan. I still don't trust him. I stand back but watch his every move. This guy is shifty and I have never met him, but he knows Mia and I have heard the name Kavanagh from Kate and she has a brother, but didn't think he was a doctor. She tells Ethan she busy and can't make dinner. I saw something in her eyes and I tell her we need to get home so she can do what she was asked to by Angel. Angel perks up and says momma you promised to help me with the cake.

I kiss Angel and tell her I sure did and I say bye to Ethan. I suddenly became frightened of him when he asked me to dinner. The sound of his voice was very familiar to one in the dungeon I was held in all that time. So we flee the hospital.

He was one of the people in the dungeon wasn't he? She starts shaking and I call Americus and tell her Ethan Kavanagh  is a possibility as one of the medical professionals. Mia is shaking right now and she has a bad reaction to him asking her to eat dinner with him. We might need to step up security following him and we definitely need to put more people on Mia. We can't alert anyone just yet to this. We will need to make sure dr Kavanagh has no access to Mia or Angel.

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