The Creator (Finale P.2)-Part 18

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You woke up on the floor seeing nothing but white. You sat up and brought your attention to your environment. There you were, back in the void that's never empty of any light.

Y/N: Wh........W-Why am I back here??........Loona!!!.........Moxxie!!!..........Millie!!!..........Artemis!!!!!

You popped onto your feet, anxiously looking around for anyone you were just with, but there wasnt a single person in sight.

Y/N: Hey!!! Let me out!!!!!

It was then you heard a shining noise coming from behind you. You turned around to see a bright orb slowly descending from way high up. You shielded your eyes from its intensity, but something was drawing you to it. You began to step closer to the light, curious to what it might intel. After a few more steps you came to a halt, you watched the light finally come to a fixed position after its descent. You looked past the light and noticed the figure that it belonged to.

Y/N: Its you again.........isnt it?

The stoic figure touched the ground and sprouted their twelve wings with the tips of each feather painted in gold.

???????????: I see your confusion. I can assure that you have nothing to be afraid of.

Y/N: Why.....are you doing us?

???????????: This was not my was the work of another being like that of me. But a being, who's mind is trapped by something dark.

Y/N: W-What is it?

???????????: Something that doesnt belong here. Its hard to say who's really visiting and who's been here for the longest.

Y/N: W-What do you mean?

??????????: For example, the Plagued Behemoth and the ctenophores. They came to your world as an invasive species long ago, seeking refuge on a planet for them to conquer and expand upon their civilization.

Y/N: So then who are you?

??????????: Youd tell me that what im about to say is ludicrous. But I come from a different version of this world.

Y/N: How's that even possible??

???????????: Anything is possible within the cosmos. It can stretch far beyond what you could ever imagine.

Y/N: I cant tell if this is real....or not.

???????????: I promise you that this is real. This place, is in your head.

Y/N: So how is this even happening? Like how are we this? If this is in my head?

??????????: Telepathy. Its more of a connection link, works better having both parties fused with an incredible source of power. The greater it is, the more distant a message can be sent. Which is why I've been having some trouble reaching out to you, and why I had word passed around to finally get through to you.

Y/N: So seeing you in my dreams, that was you?

????????????: Yes.

Y/N: Why? Why would you want to talk to me?

???????????: To give you a heads up on whats going to happen in the near future for us.

Y/N: Us...?

??????????: You'll meet the others when I come back for you.

Y/N: W-Wait?! Why am I being taken away??

??????????: I understand that your worried. But this is something we must do in order to save everyone thats left.

Loona X Male Reader: The Twisted Heavens [Sequel] (Helluvaboss)Where stories live. Discover now