Documentary-Part 8

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This here is known as the.......cockus bigdiquos? This isnt part of the script. What did you guys even hand me? Where are the actual lines to this?......Oh.......they've left the studio.....Well I guess I'm more better off doing this all by myself. *Ahem* This is the Albino weaver. There are many of its species but there are few of its kind. It has a dazzling set of blue and purple colored stripes all around its body. Not very many people get to interview such a creature. Since nobody wants to. Well I've come to be the one to explain the wonders of its complex. Here it remains in its small home within the terrarium. Wait, whats going on here? Why are they getting into a fight with so many people? Oh wait they arent people at all....And it broke and now the weaver is leaving. Where are you going small friend? You're going the wrong way. *Sigh* Why does this shoot have to be so difficult?....Actually, I think it's best if we take it back to where it all began.....Here, in this colony of brothers, sisters, cousins, and so on, was born a small arachnid called the Albino Weaver. It admires the outside world that it has to offer and sees...nothing but hell.........Now wait just a minute, you cant just go back into your egg sack. You havent atleast given it a try and yet you're already retreating. Well, anybody would do the same if they woke up in hell. Come on now, theres no reason to be shy. Go out and say hello to your brothers and sisters. Oh dear.....Oh god!!! Yep, quickly now!! Lets go back inside the eggsack! You're not ready for the outside world just yet!! Uuuugh, seeing them eat eachother is just....frightening. Straight out of the womb, they are already out for blood. Well, I suppose it wouldn't be too harmful to make a nice home out of this. Wait, we haven't even said hi to your mother yet....No? You dont want to come out? Well alright, I'll try to look for her myself then........Hm hmm hmm hmmm, where could she be......Hold on, where?.....She's not here? I don't see her anywhere. She couldn't have gone out that far from the nest. Unless she took the route of going out to get milk. Which ofcourse, i doubt that happened. We just need to wait for her. She might be bringing food home. Yes, that's got to be it. Wait here, and stay out of sight. Only when I tell you to do so, will you finally come out..........

[17 Days Later...]

Okay so far she hasnt returned to her nest. It could just be that she's molting into her new form. I wonder what she will look like after seeing her appearance. You're curious about molting? Well when a spider molts, a more stronger version of its exoskeleton gets created underneath its already existing one. For the weavers in hell, its eyes are similar to that of a chameleon or octopus. It can observe the surrounding environment around them and make the changes to blend in or adapt. The vast difference between those two other animals and the weaver is that its entire being is changed dramatically. It will grow certain features onto its new molt that will really help hide itself instead of its skin simply matching the texture of bark on trees, the coral reefs, or just about anything you can think of. Sadly, you dont have that molting ability. Well, you can still molt. You just can't "evolve" like how the others are able to. You'll just has to live your life as the runt of the group. Luckily for you, being as small as you are, you have a certain gift that'll help protect yourself from other predators or your own kind from attacking you. You have two glands inside of your body that connect to your fangs. Allowing you to completely paralysize or kill large prey and or predators. This only works with creatures that are relative to your size. I cant say whether or not it'll work against something as big as a alligator or elephant. But back onto the topic, your mother hasnt come home yet. And I'm not so sure what you should even do at this point in time. Wait.......what's that...where's it coming from? A portal?? Well why would there be such a thing inside of the nest? Oh, it looks like your other brothers and sisters are venturing through a unknown portal without any sense that what theyre doing could lead them to danger. Would'nt you like to go with them? Youve got to explore the outside world for once in your life. It looks like the portal is getting ready to close. This is your last chance to decide what you-and he's off. Go! Go! Go small friend! Hurry before it closes! Aaand we've made it through!! Look it! There are horses! Cows! Sheeps! So many animals are living here! Bet that you wouldnt have lived long enough to see this! Theres so much green around....Whats happening over there?...OH GOD!! Errmmm....Look the other way. We should go explore.....that direction! Oh yes, this seems like a much better option. Ill check up on you once you've reached the treeline. Itll be bit of a challenge for you to navigate through all this tall grass, but you must push forward no matter the obstacle. Back to what i was saying earlier. The Albino Weaver, an arachnid thats known for its high intelligence, critical thinking, and excellent problem solving skills. The spider alone has a much higher brain function and co-ordination compared to an entire ant colony, who themselves can build towers, ropes, and rafts out of theyre own bodies. Under certain conditions, the soider will create a sphere of webs for protection from enemies. Its web is impenetratble to nearly everything due to the layers that are added. The only downside to that is it will be stuck until the webs dissolve. But it will prolong its digestion if swallowed by a larger animal. In addition, if this circumstance occurs, the predator will have stomach problems as the webs can be covered in its poison as an extra layer of defesne. Most animals will vomit in order to get rid of the queezing aches. Moving on, the weaver can make many complex web designs which all can have a use or purpose. Whether its to set markers for the nearby nests it makes for emergency situations, making homes that hang in spots that are near impossble for predators to reach, and.....launching itself into the atmostphere by accident. This mostly happens when he's experimenting on different traps that could catch prey. Actually, hes just discovered something on his own. He's just made history for spiders. He's learned how to catapult himself over a great distance! The tensile strength of his webs is ridiculous! Do you know what you have created? Although its already been discovered, but you have made a mode of transportation for yourself. It is risky depending on where you throw yourself at. Out in the open and you'll be snatched out of the air by a bird. So I do suggest that you be careful. Hold on a minute, i think i heard something....Another portal has opened up near the farm! That must be your mother!! She probably came looking after you! Quickly, make your way back home!! She'll be so proud of all the hard work you've progressed by yourself!..........Hmmm, I dont see her anywhere.......Do you?.....You probably cant since your walking through the weeds in the backyard...Wait, a dog's paw? I dont remember seeing one the first time we arrived here. Try catching a ride on its back so you can get a better view......I am questioning why this dog is wearing clothes however. That cant be normal, right? Wait, thats no dog! Stop climbing! Before you get yourself squished! Get down from there! That's a....hand!!!! Well it was nice meeting you small friend. I enjoyed watching you on your adventures. May you rest in.....wait, what's that imp doing with you?....So he's not going to kill you? Look small friend! A new home for you to live in! He even decorated it for you. How nice of him. You should thank him....Oh wait, you cant talk. Nevermind, we'll figure out someway to repay him. Well, goodluck small friend. I hope to catch up with you when we cross paths again in the future..............................

How do you stop recording on this thing? Oh here it i-

Loona X Male Reader: The Twisted Heavens [Sequel] (Helluvaboss)Where stories live. Discover now