Voices-Part 7

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Wake up...............................

Y/N: Huh..............w....who's.....there?

Why do you sleep...?

When you have omens to fulfill..........


You woke up in a pool of your own sweat on the sidewalk. Infront of you stood the wandering spotlight. It was looking down at you. Its lights were turned off and remained silently, along with the city. It was as if you were the only two that were alive in the world. There weren't any zombies around, no car alarms beeping in the distance, not even the wind was present.

???????????: You're lucky that you're still alive.

Y/N: I-I...you can......w-whats going on?? Where am I??

???????????: Somewhere you've been to before.

Y/N: H-How can you talk??

????????????: Through your mind right now. Your dreams more like.

Y/N: Have all of you been able to talk like this before??

????????????: Only if we ever wanted to. We can augment the dreams of those who are vulnerable to our manipulation. It allows us to create sounds and images within it. We may not be able to speak in the real world. But in here, our thoughts can be heard.

Y/N: Why...are you talking to me?

???????????: To warn you and pass on the message.

Y/N: W-What message?

??????????: A threat is present in our world. It was responsible for turning us into foul and corrupt embodiments of his creation. We weren't always like this.

Y/N: Is there a way to change you back?

??????????: There isnt...We must die...We must be killed....We're being played like puppets....Controlled by something even more powerful that the gods arent aware of...To some ultimate scheme or plan that could be the end for all.

Y/N: Who is it??

??????????: You will meet them soon enough. But you must stop him before he succeeds in his wishes.

Y/N: Tell me! What's going to happen??

??????????: You must carry on without knowing. For if you do, it will change the course of events that are currently set in motion. You may wake freely amongst us....But I can't guarantee that your friends will be unharmed...They've grown hungry ever since............If you wish to escape with your life, then I'd suggest that you leave before its too late..................

You sat up right, hyperventilating as you patted your body. You were finally awake. You then let out a sign of relief as you carefully looked up and down the block for the monster you were talking with, however it was already gone. You looked down at your bite and saw that it had a lessened in its severe condition.

Y/N: I'm......still...alive??

You looked down and saw the weaver sitting on your knee.

Y/N: How long have I been out for??

The weaver tapped your leg three times.

Y/N: Three minutes?

The weaver shook its head side to side.

Y/N: Hours??

The weaver then gave a nod.

Y/N: W-What the hell's been happening while I was out??

The weaver hopped off of your knee and crawled up to a car that was nearby. You pushed yourself up off the ground with the support of your halberd and walked over to the car. One of the windows was creaked open enough for the weaver to squeeze through. It made its way to the side door and pressed on the unlock button, letting you pull open the door. You crawled into the passenger seat and could hear the radio faintly being broadcasted, prompting you to increase the dial.

Radio: US National guard has so far been unsuccessful at rescuing survivors from the major streets, as most have contracted the virus thats spread all over El Paso. Military officials are making the call of nuking the once beloved city, in order to keep outer edge cities from falling victim and getting sick. Be warned, any citizens that are still awaiting an evacuation rescue team, you have roughly fourty five minutes to leave the blast radius. The last countdown warning will begin at the last remaining fifteen minute mark. Godspeed and godbless.

Y/N: Shit!!!

You got out of the passenger seat and saw zombies beginning to appear on the street you were in. You bolted the opposite direction, looking back to notice that they walked the same pace and didnt seem to be in much of a hurry after you.

Y/N: The fuck's wrong with them?? Doesn't matter. I need to get to the others!.........................

 I need to get to the others!

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Loona X Male Reader: The Twisted Heavens [Sequel] (Helluvaboss)Where stories live. Discover now