Walking With Sleeping Tremors-Part 4

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The five of you arrived to a city where streets were filled with shadows. It was much more desolate compared to the very first time you had to hunt the monsters. There was barely any sign of life left in the buildings and street lights. You all stopped before an intersection and got out of the dune buggy. There was black  flakes being carried in the wind like volcanic ash. The air was calm but to an unsettling degree. Everyone began to march on foot, tugging on some of the door handles to cars that were abandoned and taking a peak inside them.

Loona: Why did everyone leave their cars behind?

Moxxie climbed inside one of the minivans sitting on the side of the road and turned the keys. He then increased the volume of the radio, which was announcing a interstate medical emergency.

Radio: ...The CDC instructs all citizens within El Paso to self quarantine. Stay away from anyone who is infected if they show signs of black veins...

Moxxie: The plague is here too? How come we've never heard about it anywhere else?

Loona: Who wouldve thought that your ex would still be on tour with all this shit going on in the world.

Blitz: Verosika???

She showed everyone the photo of the succubus' post on hell's social media. It was a photo taken of the human version of verosika's crew partying on a stage bus with fans circled around it.

Loona: Its been five days since she made the post...the fuck is that on her neck??

Millie: What is it?

Loona: Its like some weird dark vines or roots. Does she have some fucked up disease worst than syphilis or something?

Moxxie: If you're wondering what it is, then you should all listen to this.

Moxxie then turned up the volume even louder for all of you to hear.

Radio: ...The pandemic that first originated in the country France, has now mysteriously made its way into El Paso Texas. Airports have been shut down within the state to prevent any airlines from entering or leaving. Scientists still cant explain the spread...

Loona: That explains a lot. She must've teleported here without knowing she had it.

Moxxie: Do we atleast know how its passed on from person to person?

Y/N: Not yet, but expect it to be as simple as breathing the same air they're in. Theres no cure or andidote so try not to get containminated by them.

Blitz: Well I doubt itll be any hard for IMP to handle...

Blitz climbed onto of a nearby taxi and tried striking a cool pose as if you all were about to start a quest.

Moxxie: No sir dont!!!

Blitz: Lets be on the lookout for these zombies while we set out to fi-

[Car Alarm!!!!!!!!!]

The sound echoed throughout the city. All the streets and intersections were still before the group heard the roar in the distance. You looked down at your hip, seeing the weaver crawling all over its mason jar.

Y/N: What is it?

Loona: Blitz, i think those masks could come in real handy right about now.

You all stared down the street as a hoard of disembodied corpses came running at top speed towards you all.

Loona: Oh shit!!

Blitz: Light 'em up Moxxie!!

Blitz dug into his backpack and tossed out to everyone their own mask, loona transforming into her human form so the mask would fit over her face properly. After blitz put his on, he caulked back his AK before calling out to moxxie.

Loona X Male Reader: The Twisted Heavens [Sequel] (Helluvaboss)Where stories live. Discover now