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  "WHERE IS THE evidence?" the woman asked, arms crossed as she circled Justine. Gabriel, at the other side of the room, remained quiet as a lamb, mouth sewed shut.

Justine raised a brow. "Aren't you certain they'll hand it over to you sooner or later?"

"I want it sooner," the woman growled, raising her head. She was a proud person, Justine could tell that from her body language alone. Confident. Angry. Vengeful. "If it's handed over now, you'll get out of here sooner too."

Back in Sai, Justine was often told she was the calming presence compared to Irina, who spat out nothing but sarcastic remarks and sardonic comments all day long. It wasn't completely wrong, but Justine was more than capable of being just annoying as Irina. Gabriel knew, clearly.

Her eyes flickered to the woman. "I don't think so. I'm rather comfortable here, you know."

"You won't be soon."

"What?" Justine taunted. "Are you going to start torturing me? That's not going to do anything you know. Even if you figure out where it is, how are you going to get to it, huh? It's well-guarded. And I think you know who you're up against."

The woman shrugged. "You underestimate us, that's all I can say. Your friends are heavily outnumbered, even with the help of the Weeping Flames Club. We're all trained soldiers."

So she did not know about Darynne.

"All this bullshit," Justine spat, "and you still haven't told me your name. I thought we were friends."

The woman glanced at her, as if trying to discern her purpose. Justine met her gaze, unflinching. She could see Gabriel trying to figure this conversation out in his side of the room.

Finally, the ginger woman said, "Paula."

Justine let out a choked laugh. "Seriously? You don't look like a Paula."

"You don't look like a Justine either, General."

"Oh, you just haven't met me."

"You know, the rumours claim you're a serious and silent presence."

Gabriel couldn't resist anymore. He let out a loud laugh that sent both women glaring at him. He blinked, and then lowered his head, suitably disciplined.

Justine almost felt bad for him.

"Well, they must have not met me either," Justine said, flashing the brightest smile. "You got shit coming for you, Paula. I'm just saying. If you think it'll be that easy, getting the evidence... you're wrong."

Now Paula was the nonchalant one. "It doesn't matter in the end. Oh, it'll be a slight stain on my record, but, well, no one will be around to tell the tale, would they?"

"Good luck with that."

"Fuck luck," Paula said, making her way to the door. "I thought I could rely on Lady Luck and look where she brought me. No," she turned back, one brow raised, "this world is all about skill, General Lan. And if you think otherwise, you're far less of a woman than I thought you would be."

And then the door slammed shut.

Gabriel let out a huff. "You don't need to taunt her like that. We're her captives. Can't you just play nice?"

Justine raised a brow. "Why should I be nice to my captor?"

"Because your life is in her hands?"

"No," Justine said, shaking her head, "our lives are in the hands of whoever has the evidence at this very moment." Which was, well, Ciri, and also not a factual statement. Gabriel would understand, but anyone who might be listening in would only get the surface meaning and think that the evidence was still in Gira. And probably being guarded by Cass and Marcus.

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