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ADRIAN MI WALKED back a moment later, holding a few envelopes in his hands. "Everyone you requested, Cirinique. And a letter for one Miss Naeva Li, who I believe is your friend? She writes to us frequently, and informed us recently that since she's to head to Arecia, we could just pass the next letter to you instead of mailing it directly."

"Naeva writes to you?" Cass asked, suppressing her surprise.

"Frequently, yes. She's quite well-known among some Giran circles."

"Interesting," Ciri murmured. "But yes. But give the letter to the two generals, as the rest of us will be stopping in Epimur before heading to Arecia."

Naeva was one of quite a few Saians who had travelled with Irina to Sai, where she'd be for the first few months. Justine would have been among them had she not been poisoned by one devious Katharine Morenshire, but unfortunately she'd been forced to delay her departure from her home nation.

Why was Naeva writing to these two specifically, though? While they were both influential in Gira, they were not the kind of people anyone would Naeva, a lady through and through even with her training, would openly consort with.

But those were questions for Naeva, because clearly Adrian and Fayette would say no more.

It was obvious that both of them, despite Fayette's devil-may-care attitude, were honourable people. They were the children of Dominique Min. And they'd carved out their own empire here in Gira, from nothing.

Whatever business Naeva had with them, it was between them. If none of them would say, Justine would not press, and she believed her friends would do the same.

Even if she really wanted to know.

Gira was, Justine rather thought, one of the only things keeping Naeva sane right now. With the amount of blank stares and mocking laughter she got in court due to Malcolm and her own ailing family, an official position as something to Gira could lessen all that and make her life more bearable. Perhaps a diplomat or an ambassador.

It could also get her out of Sai until Malcolm wisened up, because if the engagement hadn't been called off yet it wasn't going to be called off any time soon.

Ciri was flipping through the files and scanning them quickly, probably checking to make sure they had everything she needed. They all made small talk while she did that, continuing on their earlier discussions. When Ciri was done, she offered a smile. "Thank you, Fayette, Adrian. I have everything I need here."

"You're most welcomed," Adrian said smoothly. "And we're always willing to offer assistance if you need it in the future."

"As one of the many girls who studied under Lady Kuroki's wing like your mother, I am sure she is very proud of what you are doing now," Ciri said with the kindest of smiles.

Cass leaned back slightly, as if resisting the urge to laugh. Justine could not for the love of god guess why, But Cass was also someone who'd always found formalities and statements like the one Ciri had just made humorous, so Justine wasn't all that surprised either.

"Thank you," Fayette said, with not too much emotion on her face. She, compared to her brother, didn't seem to care awfully much about her mannerisms or the need to put up a nice and caring front to her guests. Justine had realised this was something that often happened to women in power. To be sure their reputation and power were established, they often had to be colder, cooler, more strict than their male peers, or they were easily disrespected or seen as below their contemporaries.

Though her and General Stoneworth seemed to be a clear exception to this example.

She supposed there were special cases for everything. And he wasn't actually all that cold of a gentleman. He just looked that way most of the time. And acted the same too. But once you befriended him, got through his initial wall of defence, he was fairly decent company.

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