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Freddy, Billy, and I had come up with a plan to get the Breyer brothers back and I was excited

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Freddy, Billy, and I had come up with a plan to get the Breyer brothers back and I was excited. Freddy and I watched from afar as the plan started to work.

"Uh, Burke. Where's the truck?" Brett asked looking at his brother. He started locking and unlocking the car trying to find it.

"I can hear it." Burke said as kids were gathering around. Right then the truck came crashing down from the air.

"Oh my god! My truck!" Burke exclaimed and Freddy and I walked over. "My truck! My truck are you kidding?!" Freddy rubbed the truck and started talking. "You know, guys, I don't think that's gonna buff out." "Unfortunately, you might have to ride the bus home, in the meantime, goodluck with fixing it!" I skipped off and Freddy was trying to catch up with his crutch.

"That was great!" We met Billy inside and we all high fived each other. "I have another idea we could do today" Freddy said and Billy and I looked at each other then back a Freddy to listen.

Freddy came out of a room holding a coat, "Making the crippled kid do the dirty work. Wow!" Freddy whined. "I'm a better lookout. I can play innocent." They both looked at me for an excuse, "Uhm, I'm the prettiest?" Freddy mumbled something along the lines of, "you're right about that" but I could barely hear and Billy just started arguing of how he was.

"Wait I'm a good lookout!" Freddy exclaimed breaking up Billy and I's argument. "Your face gives off a very strong vibe of someone who's hatching schemes." Billy said and I agreed. "Yeah he's right Freds" 

"You guys got a hall pass?" A teacher came out of nowhere, scaring me and causing me to scream. They all looked at me. "What? He scared me!" I said defensively and the teacher shook his head. "Oh, us? Yeah. Always." Billy said to get over my scream. "You! You look like you're up to something." He pointed at Freddy.

"Me? Up to something? No. Never am I up to something. Our dad's picking us up. He got held up at the..." Freddy rambled then needed help. "The business office." I helped out and Freddy gave me a smile and I winked causing him to blush. hm. 

"The business office, huh? Sure, kid.... Look, parents or guardians must appear physically to check out students." The teacher looked all us up and down. "Gotcha. Okay, well, you hear that, Dad?" With that Billy ran away behind, "Shazam!" There loud bang and Billy came back in his Superhero form. 

"Well, hey there, son, and hey there, other son and uh daughter that I also have that's related to that son I just passed in the hallway. I'm so sorry I'm late. I got held up at the business office, doing all the work stuff." Superhero Billy said and the teacher looked at him weird. "Is this is the security guard all the kids admire so much?" 'Billy' asked Freddy, bad choice.

The security guard, I guess, chuckled and smiled. "Actually, that's the other one. This one sucks." Freddy shot out. "Good one Freds" I laughed and high fived him as the security guard stood up straight and fixed his suit thing. 'Billy' also laughed but quickly stopped, "That's not funny. I'm gonna talk to him about that." He hit both of our shoulders and Freddy and I walked out of the school as Billy kept talking. 

"That was funny!" I nudged Freddy's shoulder. "Eh. not the funniest thing I've done, I'm just a funny person" Freddy and I smiled at each other and locked eyes but then Billy came back. "Alright! Let's go!"

"You ready?" Freddy asked as we were on a rooftop and holding books. "Algebra!" 'Billy' shouted out and shot that book with lightning. "Science!" "English!" We tested out 'Billy's' powers some more and tried new ones. Freddy filmed all of them while I sat back and watched it all happen, it was pretty cool though. 

We were walking while 'Billy' kept shooting people's phones, "You're phones charged!" "You're phones charged! You're phones charged!" It was getting super annoying hearing him saying that over and over again, "Billy, if you don't shut the fuck up right now I promise you that when you change back to normal Billy I will suffocate you and bury you 12 feet under." They both looked at me like I was crazy, oh well.

"On a happier note then that dark shit..." Freddy began, "You really need like a mic drop catchphrase after you do some cool shit." He told to 'Billy' "I've been thinking about that. What about this?"  "That's why you don't mess with electricity."

Freddy gave him a look and I rolled my eyes. "Catchphrases obviously aren't one of your superpowers." I laughed a bit but stopped when 'Billy spoke' "And your phone's charged." It took him a second to comprehend what he had said, "Oh shit." 

"BILLY!!" I ran after him and I could faintly hear Freddy, "GUYS WAIT UP FOR ME!!! I'M CRIPPLED DON'T LEAVE ME!"

"Okay Y/n.... here we are. The soda." 'Billy' said trying to catch his breath. 'Billy' shot the vending machine and most of them fell out. "Yes!! Sugar!" I went and grabbed f/d and quickly chugged it as Freddy finally found us. "What the hell guys, I said wait up!" Freddy grumbled while grabbing a coke. "I was trying not to get killed by Y/n!" 

"Dude you're literally indestructible in that suit!" "Oh yeah" After that we all drank the soda and 'Billy' chugged most of them, "How do I... Never mind." 'Billy' ran into the bathroom. "You're scary sometimes to be honest." Freddy said as we were sitting on the ground. "I just have a bad temper, no big deal." 

"Shazam!" We heard from the bathroom and then screaming. "This is all pretty cool, you know your brother is literally a superhero!" Freddy smiled for a bit then frowned. "What's wrong?" I asked and scooted closer. "I don't know, I guess I think it's unfair how Billy got to be a superhero and I'm still like the most unimportant person ever." 

"Well, life's not fair dude" He glared at me, "Sorry I don't know how to deal with others problems and.. shit. But you're not unimportant, you're pretty important to me considering you're one of my only friends but you were my first!" I smiled trying to cheer him up. "Shazam!" We heard again and stood up.

We went to a lot more places but this one place I was not excited for. "Why the hell are we here?!" I asked Freddy while 'Billy' was inside. "Cause we're boys and I'm currently living through Billy?" "Gross" Just then Billy came out of the club. He turned back to his normal self and Freddy started talking the fastest I think I've ever heard him talk. 

"What'd you see? What'd you see? Were there boobies? You see nipples? Why aren't you talking?" Freddy got a disgusted glare from me but he was busy asking questions. "We're gonna need more money." 

"Why? You were in there for, like, five minutes." I told him but he didn't care. "Dude, they were very convincing!" I rolled my eyes.

We went back to their house and I tagged along because I felt like it. I was sitting next to Freddy with my back against the arm of the couch and my legs resting on his while he was playing a game with Billy. 

"No! Stop! No! I'm not even looking! Stop! I'm not even looking! Oh! Stop!" Freddy whined as he was losing miserably and I was laughing. "Why? Oh, and done! Finished him." Billy cheered. I looked at the time and decided I should go home. 

"Hey guys I think Ima go now." I tried to stand up but tripped over god knows what. "Shit" I didn't hurt myself, that was just instinct. "You okay Y/n?" Freddy asked since Billy was getting food in the kitchen. "Yeah thanks." He helped me up and walked with me to the door.

"I'll see you tomorrow, bye Freds!" 

"Bye Y/n/n!" I smiled at the nickname and walked home, well actually taking random streets and hoping to find home, which did. Somehow.

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