Monday Morning

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Lucy had had a troubled nights sleep. She was worried about her brother, and felt bad for her part in them still beign stuck as each other. She knew that Jeff wanted to swap bodies to explore a girls body, and that it was totally perverted, but she didnt expect beign a guy to be so much fun. She'd slept with another woman, and realised why men were so obsessed with sex. It was a great feeling, and life as a man was much more relaxed.

At the same time, she had risked her brothers relationship with his girlfriend, and nearly got her pregnant. And neglected her brother when it came to how to be a woman in society.

She has got changed and had waited till 10am and still no sign of her brother, and was concerned but had decided to leave him some time to adjust, and come to terms with him having a period, and being forced upon by her ex boyfriend. She shuddered at the thought of him, and glad jeff didnt know whty she had split up with him.


God im such a girl, jeff thought as he stood half naked infront of his sister mirror. He felt fien this morning, positively happy again, and after last nights burst of emotion he couldnt go down stairs and face hiss sister. It was after all just a period, and his siter had survived, so he was damned if he couldnt.

He was stood naked examining his belly and groin, wondering how a thing the size of a baby could get out of him, as his sisters body was so slim. He sighed, realising it was time to get a shower and get breakfast. If anything he needed to show his sister he could do this, and that once his parents had come back with the chronivac, he could hold his head high and said he survived it all. He undid his bra and stepped out of his panties, and rummaged through his siters draws as he pulled a dressing gown on so he could walk tot he bathroom, he stopped however.

In his hand he held a very sexy swim suit, and he unfolded it and held it to himself. Its amazing what clothes I didnt know my sister had, he thought to himself, as he took the gown off and stepped into the swim suit. The materialk stretched and pulled at his crotch, and he eased his boobs into the darts of the suit and then pulled the strap over his head so that the costume fit his body. Now this he thought was sexy.

The good thign abotu beign a girl for a while he thoguht, was that he could see this kind of thing int he mirror everyday. Very little of his soft skin was covered up, and the costume made him feel every inch a sexy woman. He noticed his nipples where showing through the suit, and that if a guy saw him he would be very turned on.

His mind broguth him to rick straight away, and he lifted a hand to his breast as he imagined him stood with him.

'no no' Jeff pulled the suit off him, and got his clothes ready, and showered.

He headed downstairs in some jeans and the least boob showing top his sister had, and walked in on his sister jerking off to the music channels. 

Chronivac 4.0: The Unforeseen Changes (bro-sis bodyswap story)Where stories live. Discover now