jeff's mom and dad

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Phil. jeffs dad, had spent all evening in his wife's body getting screwed. They had swapped back as they headed home, but he definable enjoyed the experience. His wife had gone through the whole thing with them and had hired a hotel room for them to sort it out.

At first he was incredulous, but after seeing himself in the mirror, and feeling his wife inside him, he was a changed man.

They needed to spark their love life up and the machine was a god send. They were both now back in the car and travelling home, both smiling and happier than ever.


Jeff went mad at his mom. He had screamed at her, and finally his dad and mom knew the whoel story anbotu the pregnancy scare and everything.

He had carefully placed the machine back in his room, and his mom and dad were adamant about using it again. He was tired, and stuck in his sisters body and had had enough.

Tomorrow he would get his sister to bring vicky round, and he would use the chronic on her to make sure she wasnt pregnant. One way or another he was sick of begin a chic. 

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