sat waiting

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eff was sat at home, he was worried, all thoughts of exploring his sisters body had gone from his mind. What if she was being all girly with his mates, and he was gonna end up back his him in a week and peopel thoguth he was gay. What if she messed things up with vicky?

He stood up and looked outside hoping to see his sister, instead he saw his mates walkign past the front. He opened the door and ran up to them. "Mike, Mike!"

"Err yeah lucy?"

"lucy? oh yeah, ewrrr..have you seen my brother?"

"Erm, yeah, hes with vicky, we left them in the park alone!"

"What!?, i mean... what are they doing... I mean..."

"haha, i dunno lucy, what you think."

It was suddenly as mike said that as he realised all three of them were talkign to his boobs. he felt insecure all of a sudden, and crossed his arms, wishing he had a jacket to cover himself up.

"well, erm, if you see him guys tell him im looking for her..."

"her? why you want vicky?"

"I mean him" Jeff corrected himself... " I mean him."

He walked back into the house,, and he could swear he heard one of them comment about his bum. This was totally messed up, maybe it was time to swap back. He sat there and started to think that he woudllike his own body back, hoping the changes woudl take place, and then he realised, if vicky and lucy were doing what he thought they were doing, lucy isnt goign to swap back just yet. 

Chronivac 4.0: The Unforeseen Changes (bro-sis bodyswap story)Where stories live. Discover now