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Jeff struggled out of the car to try and keep his decency, he stood up and struggled a little on his heels, then straightened his skirt. Conscious of his breasts beign on display, he pulled the jacket up helen had passe dhim, and looked down to his dismay. More than anything this jacket just pointed at the large globes. It was some sort of half jacket, which when he pulled on tightened up his chest, and didnt hide anything at all.

"That jacket looks really good on you!"

"You think? My boobs are practically advertising themselves"

"I knwo hun, guys will love it"

"Oh... great..."

Helen linked his arm and marched him towards the mall.

"Lucy, your walkign like a man, stop slouching will you. just what is wrong with you today?"

"What? Im just not feelign too well"

"Come on, dont give me that, now stand up straight and walk a little more dignified will you! Being on your period doesn tmean you standards should drop!"

"Im not on my... you know, your right helen, sorry"

Jeff didnt see fit to argue, if she thought he was having a period then fine. He stood stock straight and tried to wiggle as girly as possible. Helen didnt say anything as they marched into the mall, so he guessed he had it right. He sighed as they entered the first shop full of riotous girly underwear. What the hell was he doing here. 

Chronivac 4.0: The Unforeseen Changes (bro-sis bodyswap story)Where stories live. Discover now