✿ Ten ✿

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Stiles, River, and Scott were sat at a table in the library durning there free period. Stiles watched as Lydia left the room and Scott held a book in front of his face.

"I think you should trust Derek." Stiles rolls his eyes taking a bite out of his apple.

"Shut up Riv, your only saying that because you think he's hot." River shrugs his shoulders going back to sketching putting up no argument about Stiles accusation. "I think the books making it more obvious. Besides she's reading anyway." Scott moves the book slightly looking at Stiles.

"So did you come up with a plan yet?" The Latino boy asks.

"Think so." Stiles answers before biting into his apple again.

"Does that mean you two don't hate me know?" Scott asks hopefully.

"Nope." River answers popping the 'p' not looking up from his drawing of a cat.

"But your crap has infiltrated our life." Stiles finishes. "So now we have to do something about it. Plus, I'm definitely a better Yoda than Derek."

"Okay yeah, you teach me." Scott says and Rivers not exactly in the mood to talk to the other boy.

"Yeah, I'll be your Yoda."

"Yeah, you be my Yoda." Scott says back.

"Your Yoda I will be." Stiles says in a jokingly matter a grin on his face. River drops his head hitting the table and rolls his eyes. His brother was such a dork.

"Sorry about making you get your balls chopped off Cheeto." River mumbles as Deaton chuckles at the boy who's shutting the orange tabby cat into his crate. "Thanks Deaton." River smiles shaking hands with the man. Deaton hands him a pill bottle that River shoved in his jacket pocket.

"You can give him one every 2 hours for the pain." River nods about to say something else when he's cut off by the bell to the door dinging. "Scott, you're late again." Deaton calls and River giggles. "I hope this isn't getting to be a habit." River looks up confused as he sees Derek. "Can I help you?" Derek eyes flicker over to River.

"Hope so." Derek says. "What are you doing here?" He asks River quietly.

"My cat needed De-Balled." River says bluntly. "Can you give me a ride home?" He asks the older man who huffs.

"Sure, go wait in the car." Derek tells River who grabs his cat and starts walking towards Derek.

"Thanks Doc." Deaton smiles back at the boy.

"Anytime, River." River walks up to Derek and leans up to his ear.

"Don't go to hard on him, Der." River whispers lightly before waving bye to Deaton and heading to the car.

River runs back into the animal clinic after Scott. He stops hands on his knees panting. "I tried to stop him."

"What are you doing?!" Scott yells in alarm.

"Scott get out of here!" Deaton yells and River rolls his eyes. Derek sets Deaton back down before knocking him out.

✿ Flowers ✿ (Derek Hale x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now