✿ Two ✿

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River groans rolling over and hitting his alarm clock trying to get it to shut up. After about 5 seconds of trying he gives up and unplugs it.

7:15 a.m

The tired boy rolls out of bed and strips his clothes stepping into the warm shower. After about 10 minutes of washing himself he steps out tying a towel around his waist. He dresses in his usual attire, a button up white shirt with a green turtle neck sweatshirt thrown over, tan colored trousers, and his green converse. After getting dressed he walks back to his bathroom and brushes his teeth, and puts on deodorant. 'Damn my ass looks good in these pants.' He thinks to himself. He heads downstairs at about 8 to see stiles shoving cereal in his mouth while reading the box. He ruffles his little brothers non existent hair as he walks by. "Morning I'm taking my bike today, I'm picking up Celeste." River grabs a banana, pealing it and taking a bite.

"Sounds good." River quickly finishes his banana and the two boys head outside to there respected vehicles. River puts on his helmet fastening it then starts his bike and pulls out heading towards Celeste's house which is on the way to school anyway.

Celeste exits her house shouting goodbye to her mom as she shuts the door. She runs over to River crushing him in a hug. "I missed you!!" She squealed. River chuckles handing her his spare helmet.

"We hung out 2 days ago C." She hits his arm and gets on the bike behind him wrapping her arms around his waist. River sighs as he pulls away. Welcome back to hell that is highschool.

"See you later C!" River waves bye to Celeste as she enters the school while he walks over to Scott and his idiot brother to find out what Scott found. He walks over just as Scott lifts up his shirt showing the bloody bandaged area. River whistles lowly and Stiles turns to him unimpressed.

"It was too dark to see much, but I'm pretty sure it was a wolf." Scott picks up his bag and the 3 start walking toward the school. Riv looks at him curiously. 'How the hell did he manage to get but by a wolf.'

"A wolf bit you?" Stiles asks and Scott nods. "No, not a chance."

"Stiles don't be so negative, geez." River comments fiddling with his chain necklace.

"I heard a wolf howling."

"No you didn't, California hasn't had wolfs in like 60 years." Stiles points out and River looks up at Scott questioning his sanity.

"Really?" Scott asks.

"No, he made it up dumbass." These 2 idiots were seriously starting to annoy the older teen. Scott then precedes to tell Stiles how he found the other half of the body, to which River gags. "Gross." He mutters.

"This is seriously gonna be the best thing that happened to this town since, since the birth of Lydia Martin. Hey, Lydia, you look..like you're gonna ignore me." Stiles says as Lydia walks by smiling at River and walking past them completely ignoring Stiles.

"Keep trying baby bro." Riv pats Stiles on the arm before following Lydia's path into the school.

"As you all know there indeed was a body found in the woods last night." Stiles, Scott, and River all give each other knowing looks. River tunes out the rest of what the teacher is saying by grabbing his book and flipping to his page reading silently in his spot behind his brother.

The door to the classroom opens and River looks up to see a girl with long curled brown hair and chocolate brown eyes in the doorway. "Class, this is our new student, Allison Argent. Please do your best to make her feel welcome." River smiles as Allison walks up near him and sits behind Scott. She smiles back shyly and takes her seat. Scott turns to her as she sits down and offers her a pen for god knows what reason. She looks confused but smiles and offers him a small 'Thanks'.

"Pssst." Allison turns to look at River who's smiling brightly at her. "I love that book! I'm River by the way." He whispers.

"Allison." She smiles back before turning back towards the board.

"Can one of you tell me how new girl is here all of five minutes, and she's already hanging out with Lydia's clique?"

"Because she's hot. Beautiful people heard together." River chuckles as he hears their conversation as he walks past with Celeste.

"I mean Stiles isn't wrong for once, she is hot." Celeste elbows River playfully who rolls his eyes in return looking up from his book to smile at Allison gently, his hair falling in his eyes. She waves back at him discreetly before continuing her conversation with Lydia and Jackson. "You wanna watch lacrosse practice with me Riv?"

"Sure I'd love to watch my brother fail." Celeste giggles and wraps her arm around his and they head out to the field.

"Hey River! Do you two want to sit by us?" Allison asks seeing the boy walking up to the bleachers with a girl she doesn't know. Rivers about to decline when Celeste answers for him.

"We would love to! I'm Celeste." She shakes Allison hand and pulls River up next to her.

"Are you two dating?"Allison asks curiously when Celeste lays her head on Rivers shoulder. River fake gags and Celeste slaps the back of his head with her gloved hand.

"Nope, I don't like men they're gross, women are sooo much better." Allison giggles she drags out the 'o'. "No offense Riv." Now it was Rivers turn to chuckle.

"None taken C." River sighs as he watches Stiles take a spot on the bench without even being asked to. "Stiles gives me such second hand embarrassment it makes me want to stab myself. With a fork." Celeste covers her mouth stifling her laugh as she looks over at stiles chewing on his gloves.

"Love the outfit choice by the way River." Lydia comments.

"Thanks Lydia." River smiles.

"Who's that?" Allison questions.

"That's Scott, my idiot brothers best friend. Those two are stupider than my cat, and his name is literally Cheeto." Allison giggles. The whistle blows and Scott falls to the ground clutching his head grunting. He stands up just in time for the ball Jackson threw to land right inbetween his eyes knocking him back to the ground. The next person throws there ball and it magically lands in Scott's net. River takes a double take and looks over at Celeste in disbelief. Scott continues to catch all of the balls thrown at him and River decides to talk to his brother. "I'm gonna talk to Stiles." He walks over to his brother and sits next to him. "How has the kid who needed his inhaler every ten steps last night, not taking a single pump all day?" A look of realization covers Stiles face as the brothers turn back to look at there friend.

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