✿ Four ✿

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"Sti!" River knocks on his brothers door. "We gotta talk." Stiles opens his door and River bursts in pacing back and forth. "I think Scott might actually be a werewolf." The teenager looks over at his younger brother nervously while messing with his necklace. Stiles sighs rubbing a hand down his face.

"I think you might be right."

"Scott! Scott, wait up." River and Stiles crowd through people catching up to Scott. River pants slightly out of breath, he fixes his yellow beanie and crosses his arms across his black long sleeve The Simpsons shirts. He had on a pair of ripped, washed out blue jeans, paired with his signature green converse.

"Just here us out, Scott." River blows out a quick breath seeing the cold air infront of him. 'I should have worn a jacket.'

"Guys, I'm playing the first elimination, can it wait?" Scott sighs, a frustrated feeling in the air.

"Just hold on, okay? We overheard our dad on the phone." Stiles tells Scott placing a hand on the other boys shoulder.

"Correction, Stiles overheard." River reminded the boy, once again messing with his necklace. Scott rolls his eyes trying to walk away again, wanted nothing to do with the two Stilinski boys.

"The fiber analysis came back from the lab in LA." Stiles continues, trying to re-grab Scott's small attention span. "They found animal hairs on the body from the woods!"

"Stiles, I gotta go." Scott sighs annoyance lacing it's way into his words. River rolls his eyes pinching the bridge of his nose, Scott was so annoying.

"Wait, no! Scott!" Stiles try's as Scott starts to walk away. "You're not gonna believe what the animal was! It was a wolf." Stiles says the last part quietly. River pats Stiles on the back comfortingly.

"I'm gonna go to the library and see if I can find anything on Lycanthropy, and plants, my Aloe plant is starting to wilt." River sighs and heads off towards the library with his hands stuffed in his pockets.

River hums as he looks through the books in there plants section, he had found 2 books on Lycanthropy after 20 long minutes. "Ah Ha!" He pulls out a small book specially for Aloe plants and heads to check out the books. "These 3 please." He smiles as the Librarian scan the books.

"There due back in 2 weeks." She tells him. He smiles knowing he'd have them back in 1.

"Hey, how was tryouts." River asks his brother settling onto Stiles bed, and opening up his books. Stiles was sat at his desk doing his own werewolf research through google, River however didn't trust the internet very much.

"Same as always." River hums and starts flipping through his first book landing on a chapter titled Wolfsbane.

"It says here that wolfsbane, a purple colored plant, is deadly to werewolf's, folks people used to use it to protect themselves from werewolf's." Stiles nods along to his brothers finding having found something about wolfsbane in his own research. After hours of research a knock on the door startles the two boys. Stiles closes his laptop going to open the door, only to be met with Scott's goofy grin. River sighs in relief as Stiles lets him in

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