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The way to make life meaningful is to give a 'dot' in each story that is passed, just like a sentence that requires a point to start a new story. The dot is also not just a sign, but a separator between the past and the present, as if giving a pause for everything that is happening. Not only that, dots have many meanings: meeting point, turning point, lowest point in life and many more, this little sign always dances in life as if it really exists to give meaning in every journey.

Someone uses other humans to be the point of her life, as a pause in her mind that never stops repeating. Freen made Becca a stop for all the dark feelings she's been going through so far. It's not intentional, but Becca is present in her life as a separator between the past and other times in a way that Freen herself doesn't know the answer to. Needless to think, that point had already seeped into her mind.

Likewise Becca, she feels Freen managed to make her rise from the lowest point in her life, whatever the reason for the blindness, she can't deny the truth that Freen brought her back up from that slump. Freen brings Becca to the bright point of her life, which is to make her world clearer, brighter and happier.

These two dots slowly converge, making the meaning of life even clearer. The point is not the end, but to start life with a new intention and a more exciting story. It is this point in life that they live tomorrow, the day after, and so on.

Again, not just one meaning, a point full of meaning. Everyone has their own meaning, the world gives different ways for humans to interpret what the point of their life means.


Longyearbyen, Svalbard

The barren plains of snow and ice stretch as far as the eye can see, the mountains are covered in white and the cold of November night, also the dark blue sky stretches out to witness the newcomers who enjoy the north standing in awe enjoying the light of the borealis. Clouds were not expected and did not come, the dark blue sky very clear with a scattering of stars, and certainly the bright green glow that was so much dreamed of.

The aurora borealis, especially those who enjoy the north, are dancing beautifully up there regardless of whether they are noticed or not, they are present in the silence of the night to say that our light can warm a longing heart. Not only the two of them, connoisseurs of bright light are separated some distance away but are still monitored to witness this aurora. Freen didn't move, she was lost in reverie when her eyes looked, as if she also felt how beautiful the dance of light was.

Dressed fully prepared to keep the north pole visitors awake from the cold of the day, Becca sees the red scarf she made used by the woman she loves. Switching for a moment, she stared at the green beam with eyes filled with awe. She never thought she could see the Aurora directly, luckily, Aurora was present in the darkness of that night.

"Freen," Becca called briefly, her voice broke Freen's thoughts, the woman beside her immediately turned and smiled, she waited for Becca to say. Freen didn't get an answer, Becca was still looking at the beam with an amazed gaze and a very moving smile.

Freen chuckled, she was still looking at this woman with a gentle gaze, she said, "Beautiful?" Freen tried to guess, because it seemed Becca was still thinking about what she wanted to say.

Becca shook her head disapprovingly, the smile was still there, her gaze was still awake to see the light that she had previously seen only from the painting, Becca said, "Not quite right." Beautiful, is not a word that can describe what she saw and at the same time she felt.

Dot Of Life [Eng.Vers] FREENBECKY 𝙂𝙭𝙂Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon