Chapter 20

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Becca was standing in front of the glass window of her apartment. The window was closed, the curtains were also only slightly open, just enough for Becca to see the night view of the city outside, she caught the bright lights. Also, she was waiting for Freen to come over to her place. One day, Freen didn't talk to her, she didn't know why. When morning came, Freen was not there beside her, Freen even took a bath earlier. However, when she wanted to enter the bathroom again, Freen locked the door.

Becca tries to remember what went wrong, but she can't remember anything at all, other than coming in without permission to kill some boredom while Freen was soaking. But Becca thinks that's not the reason Freen is silent like today, because when she wants to sleep, Freen still wants to kiss her. Whereas now, Freen only looks at Becca with an annoyed glance and finally just looks away.

Becca was kicked out of Freen's apartment with the words, this is the consequence for hanging me. Becca didn't know anything, at first she felt sad, but gradually Becca felt annoyed with Freen's attitude.

Now Becca sent Freen a voicemail, saying: Come now, or I won't talk to you in a month. She was only joking, but that was the only way Freen would come to her apartment. As for the voicemail, Becca wouldn't be able to live through it. She couldn't stay still around Freen.

The bell rang, Becca smiled now. The message worked again, even though Becca had used that threat almost many times, it always worked when used on a cranky Freen .

Becca opened the door, what she found was Freen who sighed and deliberately made it sound for Becca, what? I'm still mad. Becca just chuckled, she was already relieved by Freen's arrival. Becca held Freen's hand and asked the woman to walk inside.

Becca closed the door, then hugged Freen tenderly, she said, "You haven't talked to me all day, that means you can live without me, hm?" Becca said quietly. Freen didn't answer, the irritation suddenly vanished, she became scared. She quickly hugged the woman who was embracing her, and her head immediately shook in refutation of Becca's words. Freen's face was really worried now.

Becca chuckled, again, she was just kidding. But Freen doesn't.

"Do not say that." Freen's voice sounded sad. "Becca, you got me worried." She told the truth, her heart felt like that.

Becca let go of the hug, she said, "Then don't make me feel that way again." Becca smiled and asked, "Have you eaten?"

Freen nodded. Her face was sullen now. She still felt the worry and sadness. Also, scared.

Becca took Freen's hand, then she walked to stand in front of the glass window. Becca faced Freen, and said, "Freen, I might be going back to Thailand soon. My dad is sick, I want to see him. Do you want to come?" Becca was also almost sighted, so this was a chance for her to go home for a bit.

Freen has no problem tagging along, she can go anywhere. Freen didn't have anything else to do either, so she just nodded and said, "Fine. When?"

"Not now, maybe in two weeks. I still have to meet Jisoo a few more times this month."
Becca really wanted to see the face of the woman in front of her, she was very curious.

Free just nodded. She looked into those eyes one more time, Freen felt that Becca could already tell where her face was, because usually Becca always looked at Freen's shoulder or under her chin.

Freen sighed, Becca's words still stuck in her heart. The words seemed to be dancing in her head ever since. She didn't want to feel like this.

Freen said, "Becky, don't ever say that again."

"Hmm?" Even Becky had forgotten her words.

Freen hugged Becca now. She just wanted to wash away the black feelings from her heart, Freen didn't want to be agitated like this.

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