Chapter 22.1

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Freen tried to find the answer on the way, but she found nothing. Now, she is at her grandmother's doorstep. Still standing and frozen, Freen fears that her grandmother was just like that, ruining other people's weddings. If that were true, Freen asked herself, what should I do? Finally Freen knocked on the door, Aunt Phi seemed surprised by Freen's presence at night.

"Auntie, where is grandma?"

The aunt was still looking down, now her face was quite sad, then she said, "Madam is in that room, Miss." Aunt shows the way, then Freen follows Aunt Phi. But when Aunt Phi slowly opened the room, Freen was shocked by what she saw.

Her grandmother was sitting in a room, full of photos of her as a child, photos of babies and pictures of her parents holding Freen. Now grandma saw a photo in her hand, her eyes really looked longing and sad. She didn't even hear the door open, nor did Freen's steps get noticed. Grandmother seemed to be reminiscing, but there were no tears there. Occasionally Grandma smiled looking at the photo she was holding.

Freen had never been aware of a room like this, because she rarely stayed at Grandma's house. Freen's heart ached to see her grandmother in this condition, was grandma always like this? Freen knew that her grandmother was very cheerful when she was with her, and often even shouted at her, but seeing the look on her grandmother's face now, made a pain that occasionally entered Freen's heart.

Freen finally admonished her grandmother, "Grandma, what are you doing?"

The grandmother who heard her granddaughter's voice, immediately looked at Freen and smiled broadly, she even said, "Freen, what's wrong, why are you here?" She stood now, spreading her arms. Freen smiled a little as she approached her grandmother and hugged her long enough, after that she let go of the hug slowly.

Freen looks at the photo that her grandmother saw, it is a photo of her and grandmother, grandmother holding baby Freen. Her grandmother looked young and happy. She looked at her grandmother again and said, "Grandma made a special room for these photos?"

Grandma chuckled, she nodded, "Grandma decorated it herself."

Freen looked at her grandmother again, she thought there was no way grandmother would do that to Becky.

The old woman in front of her was so gentle, Freen was sure there was a misunderstanding.

"You want to meet grandma because you miss grandma, right?" Grandmother said jokingly, but there was an implicit desire in there.

Freen smiled and nodded. She looked at her grandmother again, she felt hesitant to ask. Grandmother noticed, then she said, "Tell me, what's wrong?" Now that grandma sat back down, Freen was still standing, she had no intention of sitting down.

Freen sighed, she didn't even know what to ask now. Why did grandma mess up Becca's wedding? What has grandma done to Becca's life? Why did grandma threaten Ken? What's really going on, Grandma? Freen wanted to ask directly like that. But she put it off. She just said, "Grandma, I already have a lover." Her voice was low and there was a sense of sadness in it.

Grandmother heard it clearly, she was very happy, she said, "Really?" grandma was laughing now, she said again "Meet grandma later."

Freen nodded, then he said, "She's so pretty grandma."

Granny smiled "Whoever the person is, as long as you like her that's enough, Freen."

Not knowing why, Freen started to get really sad, tears formed in her eyes, she said again, "Grandma, I love her so much." Her voice trembled.

Granny was shocked by the expression of feelings, she really appreciated Freen's feelings. Grandmother stood up and hugged her grandson, she felt happy with Freen's feelings. Then grandma heard Freen say again, "I really love her grandma." Her grandmother nodded and patted Freen on the back, but now she realized something Freen was feeling.

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