Chapter 17

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She really does not know the direction, she is not blind like her woman. When the heart is asked to wait for the word it really wants, the patient room opens, letting go of a hope that has been intertwined from the first moment looking at that charm. There should be no time limit, the word waiting has no guarantees, she continues to walk in that relationship, which for her is still uncertain and still shaky.

But she learned one thing, feelings don't have to be limited by one word, there are many ways to reflect that feeling, silence sometimes speaks too, so why should you be so sad when the words you want haven't been spoken? She smiled, she waited, but didn't expect much. The world has given way to meet her, that's enough. Her presence, it was more than enough.

No one rebelled, all within her hugged her heart to get through it all. Freen believes she can give warmth to that wounded heart. She also styled her every second of time, again with the hope that this new love could give her a sense of security and certainty. Freen smiled, even though she had whispered to be patient, her heart never stopped demanding. Even so Freen remained silent, she would not ask.

Now Freen is still trying to suppress her desires. She was invisible, all that was covered in joyous laughter. Until an infinite time, she hopes that the patient room is always open. Freen realized, she was always like this, if she liked it she had to get it, if not she would avoid it. But this time, the woman she wanted managed to make her wait, in no hurry.

Becky, heal your heart, I will not get tired of waiting.

Freen didn't realize she was pensive for so long, the woman beside her said many things but she didn't hear. Her eyes just stared softly at that face, Freen always admired everything about Becca. Freen could feel it, a feeling of fear that had always followed her suddenly vanished when she was near this woman. Just as she stares at the city's historic buildings, artifacts full of stories, precious relics, Freen's mind is completely distracted when she's with Becca. Freen is totally crazy about all of this, serenity, distraction and comfort, all in Becca. She even had time to ask, why could it be like this? Freen wasn't looking for answers. She just enjoyed it.

"....if you've stopped by all that, can you come back to the same place again?" Becca talks about Freen's job as a tour guide, she wonders how Freen's system works, because now it seems that Freen doesn't do anything, she's always in the apartment and spending time without making money. Becca asked so many things, she didn't even pause. But Becca wasn't looking, the woman in front of her wasn't even listening.

Freen was still smiling, her face really looked at Becca with all her heart. Anyone who sees Freen now, they think Freen is deaf, can't hear. Because, that's what happened, Freen was really silent, none of Becca's words caught her.

Again, Freen's nose was pulled gently by Becca. She was out of reverie, her eyebrows raised, her face surprised. She said, "What did I do wrong, Babe?" She even used the word affection, for her the word was very sweet and pleasant to hear.

"You don't listen to me anymore." Becca was irritated by the no response .

Freen and Becca are on a date in a cafe, a small table and two chairs facing each other. Some cookies were prepared, with hot chocolate milk for them both. All sweet, this menu is fine with Freen and Becca, they love it. The time that has passed is quite long here, because the place seems specially made to tell stories and is very beautiful. Freen loves this cafe , of course because Becca is in front of him. Wherever it is, actually Freen doesn't matter, as long as the woman is near her.

Freen said, "It's your fault, you distracted me." Freen's voice seemed to blame Becca. She smiled and drank the hot drink, a little, then put it down again. Those eyes looked back at Becca who looked sulky because she felt ignored.

Dot Of Life [Eng.Vers] FREENBECKY 𝙂𝙭𝙂Where stories live. Discover now