Chapter 14

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Raindrops fell slowly under the sky that evening, the tip of the rain was not too sharp. Suddenly, footsteps running for shelter wherever the shady place. In no time, the wailing became a torrent, wetting all the places and people running. The air suddenly became humid, the sky looked quite dark, Seoul was really wet.

The streets turned black, the vehicles remained as they were, the falling water didn't stop them. But not for those who don't expect the weather to change in an instant, there are those who stand quietly waiting alone under any shade, there are also those who both laugh at each other enjoying the changes in the weather. Also , not a few who like the words of rain, but complain about its arrival.

Becca sat in a place where there was no rain, Freen invited Becca to take shelter in a mini market and enjoy ready-to-eat food that was hot and had gravy . The atmosphere is perfect, Becca likes Freen's idea this time. Her stomach was already begging when they came out of the park to go home. Freen realized that, because the sound Becca's belly made was not shy.

Freen was making the noodles, she was pouring hot water into each cup. Meanwhile Becca was sitting on the edge near the glass, enjoying the slightly faint sound of rain from inside the store. Becca smiled, she seemed to be able to see the rain just from her voice, because rain never changes, it's always like that.

The aroma of the instant food slowly approached Becca, she couldn't wait to eat the noodles which must be delicious, Becca was very hungry. The smile never left, she waited in a hurry, Freen brought the two dishes carefully.

"Don't touch it yet, it's still hot." Freen's words reminded the impatient hand. Becca listens to Freen, she waits for Freen's signal to start. Freen, who saw Becca like that, couldn't hold back her laughter, she said again, "Wait a minute." Freen tries to cool the noodles, Freen twirls the noodles a little with a plastic fork, then she says, "Becky, try this." Becca, who smelled the noodles right in front of her nose, smiled and opened her mouth to devour Freen's mouthful.

Freen smiled at the look on Becca's face, who was very happy now. Then a few moments later, Freen allowed Becca to eat the noodles in front of her. She happily ate the warm noodles.

There are several buyers who take turns entering the shop, some buy umbrellas, hot coffee, snacks and even liquor. However, the two of them didn't care about it all, hot noodles remained the top priority.

Freen saw quite dark clouds and rain that would not stop, including their apartment near. Usually if Freen was alone, she would just run and let her body get soaked. But, this time she thought of buying an umbrella or something to protect Becca. After all she couldn't get Becca to run with her, that couldn't be happening.

Amidst the pampering of the stomach, Freen suddenly said, "This is the first time I've enjoyed the rain this year." Freen slurped the slightly spicy warm broth, it tasted really good.

Becca was still busy with her chewing, she just ate the noodles. Then after swallowing, Becca said, "You wanna play in the rain?" She didn't really think about the conversation this time, her mind thinking of a suitable addition to the noodles, "Freen, sausage." 

Freen chuckled, she nodded and stood looking for the sausage. Freen opened it for Becca, and made her hold the sausage in her right hand. Freen doesn't really like sausages, she's okay with noodles. Freen sat down beside Becca again. She slowly finished her food. Freen ate the noodles pretty fast, she was like that, but Jackson was even faster than Freen.

Freen supporting her head with her left hand, she looked at Becca who was still eating the noodles enthusiastically. Freen couldn't help but smile, she really liked what she was seeing right now. However, the talk about moving on suddenly entered without permission in her mind, the smile slowly disappeared and the blinking eyes looked a little sad. Freen had never felt heartache or heartbreak, but what she felt today was enough to make her feel sorry for her. She felt sorry for herself.

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