Chapter 5

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The owner of these beautiful eyes heard several steps, there were about two people in front of her and one person beside her. They talked about many things, about the latest hair clips, lipsticks and powders. The laughter sounded quite loud when one of the teenage girls in front of her said she would use everything she bought to meet her partner tonight. Becca just listened without thinking, actually her mind wasn't on the story of the teenager, she was still counting the way home number by number.

However, what one of the teenagers said made her stop counting, attention focused instantly. "Look, isn't that the latest dress of the month, that dress is so pretty." Laughed again, and another teen continued laughing and said, "I don't want a white wedding dress, can I have red?" The laughter was non-stop.

Until the voices sounded a bit faint, Becca stopped, the white stick also fell silent. She leveled the place when the teen said look, Becca stepped back about two steps. She was still facing the street, looking hesitant to stand in front of the dress statue. Becca took a deep breath, and slowly turned to her left, trying to catch the blurry silhouette of the statue. However, all the white light in her view did not allow her to see the dress properly.

Becca took one step closer to the glass railing, she wanted to see but couldn't. Wdding dress .

Meanwhile Freen...

Freen was already some distance from the restaurant, she was walking around Gangnam, but she felt someone following her. Without further ado, Freen called her grandmother.

"Hello Freen?" Her grandmother picked up the call quickly, apparently wanting to learn about the progress of the blind date from her granddaughter, even though Freen knew, her grandmother had heard everything.

Freen exhaled forcefully, she said with a bit of disappointment, "Grandma, if grandma monitors my life like today again, I don't want to fulfill that promise. I will go overseas soon." Freen was still walking, she knew that the ones following her were her grandmother's subordinates.

Her grandmother was silent for a moment, then said, "Okay, grandma won't do that again." Her grandmother's voice was like a child who had just been scolded, obedient.

Sighing again, Freen said, "At least let me rest in Korea, grandma."

"Mm. Didn't grandma say okay?" Granny looked a little angry, then said again, "Grandma just wants to know about your life, Freen. You rarely talk about anything other than food." The voice of grandmother's complaint was clear. Mrs Yoonha is heard adding excuses to her act, fearful of further blame.

"Whatever it is, don't follow me anymore. That's it, Grandma." Freen hangs up the call. She didn't want to be followed like this, it bothered her so much.

Freen walked in Cheongdam-dong, her apartment is around this area. Nobody, quiet. The cars are neatly arranged on the side of the road, it seems that in this gangnam district no one walks like Freen, everyone uses private vehicles.

However, that wasn't a problem for Freen, she was used to it. She enjoyed the streets without people this time, quiet. But apparently, the shops are still open. Freen ignored them, she just walked away, she wanted to go home.

Suddenly, Freen's eyes narrowed slightly, as if to clarify what she was seeing from a distance. "Oh?" She..

It turned out that a woman she had dreamed of all night was on the same street, the woman stared at not knowing what. Freen was still a long way off, but she could recognize that short hair and white stick, who else if not Rebecca .

The smile on Freen's face really represented her heart, she was very happy about this accidental meeting, doesn't that mean god is being kind to her? Freen hopes this time the woman who hasn't given her cell phone number doesn't run away again. She wants to get acquainted.

Dot Of Life [Eng.Vers] FREENBECKY 𝙂𝙭𝙂Where stories live. Discover now