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TW: bl00d, f!ght!ng, injûres, cursing

Tubbo POV:

The bell chimed as class began. It was pretty boring honestly, but it was math so I expected it. Though, Mr. Za always found a way to make it interesting.

"So, this is how you find the circumference of an object! Speaking of which, have I told you guys about my granddaughter and or daughter?" The class all shook their heads.

"No, tell us!" The request sounded from many of the students.

"Alright, alright! So basically, she plays flute, and she loves to play Usher! She's also an egg, so that's why she reminded me of circumference," Mr. Za explained, and I just bopped my head along with a smile on my face.

I felt a soft nudge on my arm so I turned. Ranboo was elbowing me and had a small slip of paper in their hand. I grabbed it and read,

Y'know, you were right about Mr. Za, he seems really nice!

I smiled and nodded at him, "Just wait until he tells us a story about his wife!" I whispered to them.

"He has a wife?" He asked, and I nodded in response. "That's awesome! I mean, that explains why he has a daughter or granddaughter..."

I chuckled and turned my attention back to Mr. Za, who was still rambling on about his egg relative. I didn't mind, mainly because it entertained me and we didn't have to do math!

Soon enough, the bell rang, and I grabbed my bag from the floor. I glanced over at Ranboo who was doing the same. He of course had to bend down a long way because of their freakishly long body, which I found funny.

"So, Boo, what class do you have next?" I asked him once they stood up again. He pulled out his schedule and glanced it for a second before responding.

"World History with Mr. Blade...? That's intimidating..." they spoke and I chuckled.

"Oh don't worry, Mr. Blade's only scary if you get on his bad side!" Ranboo seemed to lighten up a bit as I spoke, which I was grateful for.

We began to walk to Mr. Blade's classroom, passing by many students I recognized. We got there fairly quickly, only a minute passing by when we got to Ranboo's next class.

"Alright, this is my stop, see you later, Tubs," he said and I gave him a quick side hug before leaving. I was pretty surprised at my confidence to do that, but they didn't know my sexuality yet, no one did except for Lani. Plus, I didn't see him like that, only as a friend.

"TOBY!" I heard Devyn's voice shout and I sighed. "I DIDN'T LIKE WHAT YOU DID VERY MUCH LAST PASSING PERIOD!"

I simply continued walking, keeping my head down to avoid attention. But in my attempts to remain unnoticed, a certain someone grabbed my shoulder and spun me around.

"TOBY! DID YOU HEAR ME, PUNK?" Devyn shoved me into a crowd of people after he said that. Luckily, I was caught by them and I apologized quickly before trying to run off.

I didn't make it far before Devyn grabbed my shoulder once again and forced me to turn around. "DON'T RUN FROM ME LITTLE BEE BOY!" Those were the words I heard before Devyn's fist connected with my face and I blacked out.

Highschool Romance || Beeduo  (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now