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A Tolly chapter <3


Tommy's POV:

Holy fucking shit! Ranboo just had some sort of panic attack... "Goddamn, dude," I could process what all had just happened in my room as I was walking down the stairs to the kitchen.

"Hey, Tom! Is your buddy alright?" My mum yelled from the next room over. I could tell she and my dad were super worried about Ran, even though they hadn't even met them yet.

"Yeah, Tubbo's fixin' him up right now! I'm getting us some snacks so we can watch some YouTube!" I replied, making sure they felt relieved.

I entered the kitchen, opening the grey cupboards to reveal popcorn packets. I grabbed three of them, then closed the small door. I walked to the counter, where the microwave was. Multitasking, I unwrapped the packet while pressing the button for two minutes. I opened it using the handle, set the package inside, shut it, and pressed start.

Y'know, now would be a good time to take a wee... I shrugged at the idea, setting the remaining popcorn packets down on the counter, and headed to the guest bathroom that was down here.

(Look I love writing but I ain't writing that shit, so time skip to when he's done in the bathroom [also I'm listening to your new boyfriend rn 😍😍])


Right as I waltzed into the kitchen, I heard the alarm going off. I whipped open the microwave, seeing a puffed up bag of popcorn. I smiled, noticing I had done something right for once in my life, then took it out.

"Ow!" My smiling didn't last long, as I had burnt my hand on the hot bag. Who would know that something that came out of a microwave would be hot?? They seriously need some sort of warning.

"Tom, you alright?" My dad checked in, popping his head in the doorway. I nodded, pointing at the still steaming bag, and he chuckled at my stupidity that he was well used to by now. He left the room, presumably back to his office.

I set the bag on the marble counters, picking up another bag in return and stuffing it in the microwave. Once I got that going, I noticed a ringing coming from my back pocket. I pulled out my phone, seeing something astonishing.

'Molly :)' is calling...

Accept • Decline

Holy shit! Molly's calling me? I ceased my thinking, clicking the accept option in a heartbeat.

"Hey, Tom is that you?" Her voice sounded from the phone that was pressed against my ear. I pulled myself up onto the island so I was sitting on it before answering.

"You betcha!" Oh my god, why did I say that? "Whatcha need?"

"Oh nothing, I was just wondering if you wanted to talk about anything! Y'know like friends do!" She suggested, and I felt my heart beat even faster than before.

"Oh, sure! Sounds fun! I will warn you, though, I can only talk for a few minutes because I'm hanging out with Toby and Ran!" I added, oblivious to anything else.

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