Chapter 34 : Supernatural Attack

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"Look, I know it sounds far-fetched, but think about it," Lucy urged. "We're dealing with a cursed Moonstone, a missing gem with supernatural origins, and a masked figure who seems to vanish into thin air. Not to mention the restraints we found here, suggesting something beyond human capability."

Mark scratched his head, trying to process the information. "I've seen my fair share of bizarre cases, but this is really out there. Are you suggesting we're dealing with some sort of supernatural entity, like a ghost or a demon?"

"It's too soon to say for sure," Lucy replied, "but we can't ignore the evidence that seems to be pointing in that direction. We need to consider all possibilities and keep an open mind if we're going to solve this case."

Mark nodded slowly, still grappling with the idea. "Alright, let's say you're right. How do we even begin to deal with a supernatural entity? We're police officers, not ghostbusters."

Lucy's heart raced as she heard the faint sound of claws scraping against the floor. The room felt colder, and an overwhelming sense of dread washed over her. She knew that something ominous was lurking nearby.

As she turned to Officer Mark, she could see the fear in his eyes as well. They had dealt with dangerous criminals before, but this was an entirely different realm-a supernatural entity beyond their understanding.

"Mark, we need to be ready for anything," Lucy whispered, her voice barely audible. "Stay alert, and if we encounter anything, remember what Dr. Chamberlain told us about the protective measures."

Mark nodded, his grip tightening around his weapon. He knew they couldn't face this threat with conventional tactics. They needed to rely on the knowledge they had gathered and their instincts.

Suddenly, the room plunged into darkness, and Lucy's heart pounded louder in her ears. She reached for her flashlight, only to find it malfunctioning. The malevolent presence seemed to be interfering with their equipment.

In the dim light, Lucy could barely make out a massive figure looming in the shadows. The creature's eyes gleamed with a haunting luminescence, and its presence exuded a sinister aura.

Her mind raced, trying to recall everything she had learned about dealing with supernatural entities. As a last resort, she remembered one ritual that might help: the ritual of banishment. It involved reciting ancient words of power to force the entity back to the realm from which it came.

Taking a deep breath, Lucy began to recite the incantation she had found in her research. Her voice wavered, but she pressed on, determined to do whatever it took to protect herself and Mark.

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