Chapter 23 : Fun chats

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As the first light of dawn began to paint the sky, Lucy felt a mix of sadness and gratitude swirling within her heart. She had experienced an adventure beyond imagination, forged a deep connection with an otherworldly being, and helped break a curse that had plagued the mansion for generations. Yet, it was time to say goodbye to Felix, the ghostly spirit who had guided her through the darkness.

She turned away from the balcony and stepped back into her room. The dorm was now bathed in a gentle morning glow, the same place that had once seemed eerie and malevolent. Lucy took a moment to absorb the tranquility that had settled over the space, feeling a sense of closure.


The next day, Lucy woke up feeling a mix of emotions. The memories of the cursed mansion and her encounter with Felix were still fresh in her mind, but life at Carlton High School continued as usual. Determined to move forward, she got ready for the day and headed to the canteen to meet her friends, Alex, Amelia, and Max.

As Lucy approached their usual table, she was greeted with warm smiles from her friends.

Amelia, a bubbly and vivacious girl, immediately noticed Lucy's thoughtful expression. "Hey, Lucy! You seem lost in thought. What's on your mind?"

Lucy took a moment to gather her thoughts before replying, "Oh, just thinking about some strange things that happened yesterday. You won't believe what I experienced in that old dorm nearby."

Max, the resident skeptic of the group, raised an eyebrow. "Strange things? Like ghosts and ghouls?"

Lucy chuckled, knowing how Max always had a logical explanation for everything. "Well, not exactly ghosts, but it was definitely spooky. There was this mansion, and it seemed to have an otherworldly energy. I even met someone called Felix, but you know, that's a story for another time."

Alex, the easy-going and humorous one, grinned mischievously. "Oh, come on, Lucy! Don't keep us in suspense. Spill the beans!"

As she recounted the events, her friends listened with wide-eyed fascination.

Amelia was engrossed in the tale. "Wow, Lucy, that's incredible! You had quite an adventure! I wish I could've been there to see it all!"

Max, always the practical thinker, couldn't resist adding, "I'm sure there's a rational explanation for everything, though. Old houses can play tricks on your mind, and perhaps Mr. Anderson had some sort of medical condition that made him appear transformed."

Lucy laughed. "You're probably right, Max. But it felt so real and surreal at the same time."

Alex, seizing the opportunity to lighten the mood, chimed in, "Well, you're our official ghostbuster now, Lucy! Solving mysteries and breaking curses. Who knows, maybe you're the chosen one!"

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