Chapter 24: Unfolding mystery again

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The next morning, the dorm was filled with the buzz of activity as Lucy and her friends prepared for another day of classes and study. As they gathered in the common area, yawning and stretching, they exchanged knowing glances and chuckles.

Amelia, trying to shake off her sleepiness, playfully teased, "I think I need a gallon of coffee to wake up properly this morning."

Alex grinned, holding up a mug. "Don't worry, Amelia, I got you covered. Coffee is the elixir of college life!"

Max, ever the practical one, added, "Just make sure you don't overdo it. We need you awake during class, not buzzing like a caffeine-powered rocket."

Lucy joined in the laughter, feeling the camaraderie that came from starting the day together with her friends. "Alright, everyone, let's have a quick study session before our classes begin."

They spread their study materials on the coffee table, going over their notes and quizzing each other on important concepts. Even in the midst of studying, they found moments to share funny stories and encourage each other.

As the clock ticked closer to their first class, they packed up their bags and headed out of the dorm together. The sun was just rising, casting a warm glow over the campus.

Amelia pointed at the sky, where the sun was peeking through the clouds. "Look, guys, it's like a sunrise adventure, just like our website project will be!"

Alex grinned. "You're right, Amelia. Our days are filled with both the ordinary and the extraordinary."

Max nodded. "And that's what makes college life so special - the mix of challenging exams and unforgettable moments with friends."

Lucy smiled, feeling a sense of gratitude for these special moments and the friendship that made each day brighter. "You're all right. Let's make the most of every adventure, big or small."

In the afternoon, after their last class, Lucy decided to head to the library to do some additional research for their project. She loved the peaceful atmosphere of the library, and it allowed her to concentrate and dive deep into her studies.

Finding a cozy corner at a table near the large windows, Lucy settled down with her books and laptop. The afternoon sun streamed in, casting a warm glow on the pages of her open books. The library was quiet, with only the soft murmur of students studying around her.

As she immersed herself in her work, Lucy felt a sense of focus and determination. The words and ideas flowed seamlessly as she worked on her part of the project. However, as the hours passed, she started to feel the fatigue from the previous night's adventure catching up to her.

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