Chapyer 6 : Lucy's Curiosity

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The next morning, Lucy awoke with a resolute determination burning within her

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The next morning, Lucy awoke with a resolute determination burning within her. The events of the previous night and her vivid dreams had left an indelible mark on her spirit. She knew that she couldn't waste any more time in unraveling the mysteries surrounding Carlton Highschool.

Without waiting for Amelia to join her, Lucy quickly dressed and made her way to school. The hallways were eerily quiet as she walked, the echoes of her footsteps reverberating through the empty corridors. There was an air of anticipation mingled with trepidation, as if the school itself held its breath, waiting for Lucy to uncover its secrets.

Lucy's first stop was the principal's office. She needed to know if there was any background information on Carlton High's mysterious past, something that could shed light on the supernatural occurrences and the spirits trapped within its walls. Pushing open the heavy oak door, Lucy stepped into the dimly lit office.

Mr.Anderson, looked up from his desk when Lucy entered. His eyes held a mix of surprise and concern as he took in her determined expression.

"Good morning, Lucy," he greeted, his voice tinged with curiosity. "What brings you here so early ?"
Lucy took a deep breath, steadying herself before she spoke. "Mr. Anderson, I need to ask you something," she began, her voice firm. "Is there any information, any records or stories about the history of Carlton Highschool? I believe there's something supernatural happening here, and I want to uncover the truth."

Principal Anderson regarded Lucy with a mix of skepticism and curiosity. He was well aware of the rumors surrounding the school's haunted reputation, but he had always dismissed them as mere superstitions.

"I understand your curiosity, Lucy," he replied cautiously. "But the stories of paranormal activities at Carlton High have always been regarded as urban legends. There are no official records or documented incidents to support those claims."

Lucy's determination didn't waver, despite Principal Anderson's response. She knew there had to be more to the school's history, something that hadn't been officially recorded. She decided to press further, hoping that the principal might reveal something.

"Principal Anderson, I've encountered spirits within these walls," Lucy confessed, her voice unwavering. "They're trapped and seeking peace. There must be a reason why they're here. Please, I need your help in finding any hidden information or untold stories about the school's past."

Anderson's expression softened, and he leaned back in his chair, deep in thought. After a moment, he sighed and spoke, his voice laced with a mixture of caution and curiosity.

"Lucy, I've been the principal of Carlton High for many years, and while I can't confirm the existence of supernatural entities, I have heard whispers, rumors passed down through generations of students," he revealed. "These whispers speak of a tragic incident that occurred long ago, an incident that was swept under the rug and hidden from official records."

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