Chapter 4: New fantasy

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The following day, as they made their way through the bustling hallways of Carlton Highschool, their steps slowed as they caught sight of a group of students gathered near the lockers

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The following day, as they made their way through the bustling hallways of Carlton Highschool, their steps slowed as they caught sight of a group of students gathered near the lockers. Their attention seemed fixated on something-or rather, someone.

Curiosity piqued, Lucy and Amelia approached the scene, their eyes narrowing as they recognized the familiar faces of their newfound friends, Alex and another boy named Max, surrounded by a group of students who exuded an air of superiority.

The ringleader, a tall and confident boy named Ethan, sneered at Alex. "Oh, look who it is. The fire manipulator and his shape-shifting sidekick. What are you two up to today? More childish tricks?"

Amelia's eyes flashed with indignation, her protective instincts kicking in. "Leave them alone, Ethan. We won't tolerate your bullying."

Ethan turned his gaze toward Amelia, a smirk playing on his lips. "Ah, the shape-shifter speaks up. Tell me, Amelia, have you transformed into something more interesting than a mouse lately? Maybe a cockroach this time?"

The mocking laughter of Ethan's companions echoed through the hallway, adding to the tension in the air. Lucy's fists clenched, her resolve strengthening as she stepped forward, her voice steady and firm. "Enough, Ethan. We're not here to start trouble, but we won't stand idly by while you belittle our friends."

Ethan's eyes narrowed, his arrogance flaring. "Well, well, well, look who grew a backbone. Lucy, isn't it? The ghost whisperer, if I recall correctly. What a joke."

The hallway fell into a hushed silence as the confrontation escalated, the eyes of curious onlookers fixed on the unfolding drama. Lucy felt a mixture of nerves and determination, knowing that she had to stand her ground.

But before the situation could escalate further, a voice, calm yet authoritative, cut through the tension. "What's going on here?"

The students turned their heads to find a tall figure standing at the end of the hallway. It was Mr. Anderson, the stern and no-nonsense principal of Carlton Highschool. His presence demanded respect, and the hallways fell into an uneasy silence.

Ethan's confident facade faltered for a moment as he glanced at Mr. Anderson. "Just a little misunderstanding, sir. No need to worry."

Mr. Anderson's gaze shifted from Ethan to Lucy and her friends, his expression unwavering. "I expect better from our students. This kind of behavior will not be tolerated. You all should be focusing on your studies, not causing trouble in the hallways."

With a nod of his head, Mr. Anderson signaled for the students to disperse and resume their daily routines. The crowd slowly dissipated, leaving Lucy, Amelia, Alex, and Max standing in the aftermath of the confrontation.

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