chap 77

672 15 18

"we are sorry deeply sorry.. we'll be better to you from now...we won't make the same mistake again" asmo said looking at mammon with a soft gaze.. "I hope I could gain your forgiveness and trust back..." Levi said in a soft tone

"Well I can't be sure that you'll be able to gain my trust once more.. but the forgiveness... I'll try." Mammon said looking at them.. even after everything they've done.. mammon still thought of them as his brothers so a part of him wants to forgive them..

To be honest mammon deeply missed his brothers.. how much he longed for them but he just can't bring himself to forgive them easily..

Lucifer was in sorrows the prideful brother was now deep in sorrows and regret for what he had done to his younger brother who he loved dearly he was so stupid to believe someone over him why is he seeing that now...

Levi was filled with guilt he remembers how jealous he was with mammon that's why he would sometimes accuse him... As those memories floods back he was buried deeper in his guilt...

Satan he was always fille dwith wrath making him not show his guilt and regret.. he turned to his back as he didn't want anyone to see him.. he was in sorrows.. mammon really took care of them well and now this is what they did to him... He just felt so much guilt it was eating him away

Asmo... Was feeling his emotions of sorrows,guilt,regret and his Crys.. he wanted to run to mammon and hug him.. say how sorry he was for ignoring all the signs that mammon was suffering... He knew he was but he chose to ignore it gaslighting himself into thinking mammon was fine..

Belphie.. was just in sorrows holding his pillow and hugging it, burying his face in the pillow feeling guilt as he felt too tired to say anything or look up ..

Beel saw his brothers regret he was glad they finally realized the truth but still mad that it took them almost a year to see the reality.. beel looked at mammon walking to him and hugged him.. Yumi let go of mammon so beel can hug him..

Mammon hugged back finally feeling the warmth of his brother how he longed for this .. he wanted to spend time with his brothers..due to this it made mammon cry .. nero,yuki and Yumi saw this and hugged mammon surrounding him with their warmth and care for him... Showing how they missed him

It made mammon cry more.. he was finally Home..

This is what home feels like....

Or is it?....

"You guys are alive thank god!"-H

"Ugh...those bitches" -Lu

"They really thought.."-Le

"We died"-Le&Lu


it's done... WAHHH MEHEHEHE

Anyways I got nothing for a new book do you guys have suggestions or ..should I think of one.. I can do other fandoms I'm in. Like anime,obeyme and other things (if I don't know it maybe I'll try and play it or research)

How will I pick the book I'll make
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