chap 67

755 29 10

Mammon woke up due to the bright light hitting hitting his face.
He sat up his bed feeling drowsy

He out of his bed and went inside the bathroom to do his business
One he finished he left the bathroom and the room to go down stairs

He saw Moana annoying Danielle nonstop until Danielle said "yaa!!! Stop it or I'll cut all your books up and burn it."  With a glare
" You wouldn't dare" Moana said
" I will"
Moana pouted and sat in the sofa

Danielle sees mammon and said "mammon! Hi do you want breakfast?"
"No thanks" he said
"Why not?" She asked
"Not feeling it today"
She then just nodded at him and sat down with Moana

Mammon then went out of the house to the backyard just wanting some space
He sat down under a three thinking of his friends
He missed them deeply which is why part of him wants to go back
But he was still scared traumatized even

I knew it.. I never deserved to be the second avatar.. I'm just weak and useless.. I couldn't even fight them
He thought
He saw some flowers and the colors reminded him of Jan "I hope it's fine to take some" he mumbles
He took some of the flowers colored white, red and brown
He decided to make a pendant out of it

He finished his creation and was proud he got up and walks to the door to get inside and up to his room

Placing the extra flowers in the vase next to his bed and the pendant he attached it into his necklace

Someone came in the room it was yujin "come let's buy you clothes"
He nodded and went with him and Ollie

We drove to the mall and got out.
After so long they've finally been able to leave

Walking around to find a perfect store to buy my self clothing we stumbled across a store

The went in and bought a few clothes
He was happy when he got it it's was only a few pairs but he was happy

We planned to go to a restaurant and was waling until someone shouted ships name "MAMMMON!!"
He turns around to see


Wish me luck it's my exam tmr

don't hurt me please I've had enough (Mammon angst)Where stories live. Discover now