12 || Rosalie

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"You can't just buy two new dogs without asking me. I already take care of Zara and the kids I don't need two more dogs as well." I shout.

I dont even think he's listening to me, he's staring at the morkie with so much adoration in his eyes.

I will admit the dogs are adorable but I don't want them.

"This is Chip." He says, lifting up the Morkie slightly, completely ignoring my original statement. The pup licks Niko's face and he smiles.

"And this is Callie." He says, lifting up the mini Goldendoodle. She wags her tail at me. She's fucking adorable.



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"Cool. So are you going to be taking care of them?" I put my hands on my hips.


"Yeah, I doubt that." I scoff.

He puts the dogs down, Callie comes running towards me while Chip stays at Niko's feet. I have to fight the urge to pet Callie.

I'll pet her in private. I refuse to do it infront of Niko.

I turn back around to the oven and check on the pizza. I love making pizza, it's one of my favorite things to cook.

"I'm sorry." Niko says behind me.

I decide to ignore him because I'm pissed and need space and the longer I ignore him the sooner he'll leave me alone.

After a few more minutes of silence Niko sighs and leaves.

The second I hear his office door shut I turn around and pet Callie. Her tail wags and I smile at her.

Chip hesitantly walks up to me. I hold at my hand for him to sniff, he sniffs it for a few seconds before licking it and I chuckle.


I smile when I see Gianina carrying a pink soccer ball.

"Papa's letting me practice with you again!" She cheers.

"Oh my God, that's awesome. We can practice after dinner." I tell her and she nods excitedly.

She skips away, Callie chasing after her. Chip stays by my feet the whole time as I finish up dinner.

I cut the pizza and put it on the plates, along with a little bit of the salad I made.

Once I'm done dishing up the food I head towards the playroom to get the kids.

When I get in there Elijah is freaking out in the corner while Gianina inspects something on the wall.

"Quit being a pussy, El." She sighs. My jaw drops before a laugh escapes.

I should probably be yelling at her right now but that was fucking hilarious.

Once I'm calmed down I walk over to see what Gianina is so invested in. The moment I see it I scream.

There's a ginormous ass fuzzy spider on the wall that looks like it came straight from hell.

Gianina looks at us like we're idiots.

"Rosie, you kill people for a living and you're scared of a spider?" It sound really stupid when she says it like that.

Suddenly Niko walks in with his gun out and a serious look on his face.

"What the hell is going on?" He grumbles. Elijah points towards the spider.

Niko walks over to it and looks over at us blankly.

"Really? That's what you were screaming about?" He says, making it sound like the spider was the size of an ant and we were freaking out over nothing.

He's about to smash it when Gianina smacks his hand.

"Don't kill it! It's a harmless spider." She shouts.

She puts her finger under where the spider is crawling so it can crawl on her finger.

When it does she calmy walks away with it, I hear the back door open and close and I let out a breath of relief.

I hate spiders with a passion.

"Is dinner ready yet?" Niko asks. I just ignore him, I walk put the playroom, Elijah following after me.


Word count: 649

Sorry for the short chapter😭

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