4 || Rosalie

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After the other night I've made it my goal to annoy Niko every day, every chance I get.

Gianina said she would help me if I gave her soccer lessons.

My father called me yesterday and asked me to go on a mission, I told him to go fuck himself. I don't work for him anymore.

He can't harm me from California so I can finally bite back.

I know why he wants me to go on missions but it's not gonna happen. He can't use me anymore and I won't let him. I haven't since that night.

The mission that I did the day my father forced me into an engagement was the only exception. The only reason I did it was for revenge and revenge only.

In my senior year I was dating this boy, he asked for nudes. I of course said no but then he kept bothering me and I gave in.

They next day the whole school knew what I looked like naked.

The rest of senior year was literal hell.

I change into a tank top and shorts before heading to Gianina's room to wake her up from her nap so we can go outside and practice.

I asked my brother to mail my old soccer equipment so I didn't have to buy anything. Apparently Niko doesn't want her to play soccer for some reason so I know he wouldn't buy anything.

I think soccer would be great for her but she's not my kid so I can't make that decision. I'm just expected to take care of her.

Once I get in her room I gently shake her, right when she wakes up she instantly smiles and jumps into my arms.

Me and Gianina get along well. Me and Elijah not so much. He was very excited to meet me at first but now he seems not so sure about me.

It's confusing as fuck but whatever. I'm not here to bond with them, I'm here to take care of them and that's it.

"Is it soccer time?" She asks excitedly.

"Yup, go get ready. And remember don't put your cleats on yet, just carry them outside." I warn her and she nods.

Every time I would wear my cleat in my house I would be punished and I don't want that to happen to her.

I don't think Niko would do that to her, but I don't want to take any risks.

I head downstairs to get us waters and some fruit. Fruit is the best fucking thing ever during practice.

After a few minutes Gianina skips into the kitchen with a smile on her face. She's carrying my old cleats that are a little big for her but they'll work for now.

We head outside and set up the cones six feet apart and position the small practice goals.

"Can you help me with my cleats, Rosie?" Gianina asks and I bend over and tie the pink laces.

"Alright, we're gonna work on drop kicks and passing the ball today," I say and her face lights up.

"When you're drop kicking, you want to use the top of your foot. Not your toes because that hurts like a bitch." I tell her and she giggles.

I position my kicking foot in the back and keep my non-kicking foot in its normal position but making sure it's straight. I bring the ball directly over where my foot would be kicked.

I drop the ball and swing my kicking leg up, making sure to point my toes, lock my leg and not kick my leg up to high.

I kick it perfectly. Gianina stands there with her mouth open and her eyes wide and I smile.

• Rosalie •Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon