8 || Rosalie

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The kids flinch and Corvina pulls them closer to her.

"What was that?" Gianina asks with a concerned look on her face while Elijah stands there not looking worried one bit.

Which means this has probably happened a lot.

"Fireworks." I say, trying to make my voice sound cheerful. Gianina face lights up. That probably wasn't a good one, now she's going to want to see them.

"I want to see Fireworks!"


"Uh... maybe some other time. The fireworks are only for the wedding close by." I say, not very convincing. Gianina frowns.

"Nice one." Corvina whispers in my ear sarcastically and I smack her arm lightly.

"I'm gonna go inside and get some Popsicles." I say and Gianina's face lights up.

I go back inside. I find Joseph's body by the door and see Lorenzo coming out of his car, to clean up the body I'm assuming.

I go upstairs to find Niko. I hear the shower running so I go in his room and knock on the bathroom door.

"Who is it?" Niko grumbles.

"It's Rosalie. Are you okay?" I ask, not that I care. The fight was about my though so I should probably ask.

"I'm fine." He responds, not sounding fine.

"Let me in." I tell him.



"I'm fucking naked, why the hell do you think?" He growls and I roll my eyes.

"It's not like I've never seen a dick before, Niko." I demand and I hear him grunt before the door opens.

Jesus Christ. Why does he have to be hot?

He has cuts and bruises all over. My eyes stop checking for bruises and stop on the gigantic thing that's staring right at me.

What the hell?

How the fuck is he so huge? It's gotta be at least seven-inches.

Hopefully this whole marriage thing doesn't involve sex because that thing is not going near my vagina.

I've seen a dick before but never one this big, most of them are comparable to a baby carrot and couldn't even make me orgasm.

"Would you like a picture?" Niko asks with a smirk and my cheeks heat up.

"Shut up." I glare at him and he chuckles.

I turn him around and check his injuries on his back, there's not a lot but he has a few. I freeze when I see that his hair is damp in the back.

He hasn't gotten in the shower yet so that would mean he's bleeding. Somehow Joseph must've gotten him on the head.

I bring my hand up to his hair and rise up on my tippy toes so I can make sure he doesn't need a doctor. He sucks in a breath when I touch it.

Luckily it's not that bad it's just bleeding a lot. After he showers it should be fine though.

"How the hell did he hit you on the head? He's like a foot shorter than you." I ask him and he glares at me in the mirror.

"Because he was climbing me like I was a fucking jungle gym." He grumbles, I chuckle but he doesn't find it very funny.

"Get in the shower, you're still bleeding." I tell him.

• Rosalie •Where stories live. Discover now