5 || Rosalie

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I can't believe I agreed to this. I am a fucking idiot.

Why would I agree to sleeping with Niko?

I should've just slept on the god damn floor. I remember it all too well what he did to my mamma.

But I also remember being forced to sleep in my mama's bed right after she died. My father's current wife got my room.

They were fucking pretty much the whole time my mom and him were together and not a even a week after my mom died she was moving in with us and wouldn't sleep with my father.

Therefore she got my room and I got my mama's. Because why would we prioritize our daughter of a woman you're only with for her vagina.

I change into my pajamas in my room before heading to Niko's room. I'd probably be sleeping on the floor tonight if Niko thought that I would actually sleep with him but he doesn't, so my stubbornness is making me sleep with him.

I barge into his room without knocking for payback for earlier when he did it to me.

He's looking out of the window and he looks like he's in deep thought. Shit. Did I just walk in on him being depressed or something?

I don't even know know to do in this situation with some of my closet friends let alone Niko fucking Petrov. I start backing out of the room quietly when Niko starts talking.

"I don't want Gianina to start playing soccer for a reason and I expect you to respect that decision. I'm doing what's best for her." He says and anger grows deep in my chest.

"It's not what's best for her when soccer makes her happy. In all the days I've been here, I've never seen Gia as happy as she does when she's playing soccer." I say and he glares at me.

"Sometimes the truth hurts." I say and smile at him.

He said he wanted me to voice my opinion. I voiced my opinion and he got mad, just like I knew would happen.

All mafia men are the same. They're all predictable little bitches.

"Get in the fucking bed and go to sleep, I can't deal with your bullshit right now." He grumbles and I glare at him. It's not bullshit, it's his child's happiness, and he's trying to get rid of that happiness.

I actually listen to him for once because his bed looks comfortable and I'm tired.

"Oh wow, she actually listen for once." He says, sounding shocked and I glare at him. He chuckles in response.

"You're on my side of the bed, by the way." He states and I internally groan.

"Well now it's mine so sleep on the other side." I say, annoyance laced in my tone.

"I can easily kick you out, and make you go right back to your old room." He says. I turn onto my side, facing the other way so I don't have to stare at his ugly face.

"Your child just asked me why their dad doesn't tuck them in, by the way." I say, hopefully wiping the smile right off his face.

"Fuck you." He growls and now it's my turn to smile.

"Goodnight to you too." I say and pull the blankets over my head.


I wake up with an arm over my waist and a leg over mine and I groan.

It's bad enough I have to sleep with him, does he have to sleep on top of me as well?

I never cuddle with anyone because usually it makes me panic because I feel trapped. I don't know why I didn't panic with him.

• Rosalie •Where stories live. Discover now