Chapter 9

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Nyomi pov

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Nyomi pov

I woke up to someone shaking me. I didn't want to wake up yet so I groaned and swatted there arm away.  I opened my eyes and saw that Irvin was standing above me.
I let out a squeak of surprise remembering everything that happen yesterday. And that I was at Irvin house.

"Sorry but you need to get up so we can have enough time to go to your house"

I nodded standing going to the restroom that was connected to the room. When I
Remembered I still need a extra tooth brush and maybe a face cloth.

Turning around I was meet with Irvin eyes. He was already looking at me his eyes darker then normal.

"Can I get tooth brush"

"Everything you need should be in there already"
I nodded my head walking back in the direction of the bathroom. When I was in the bath room I looked in the mirror my hair was all over the place. The only thing I had on was the shirt he gave me even though he had gave me shorts to I had taken them off in the middle of the night not use to sleeping in anything but a shirt.

The shirt that had Just stopped below my ass was now ridden up right above my ass. Showing off my ass along with my underwear.

This is so embarrassing that must've meant that Irvin saw my ass. I sighed. At lest I wasn't wearing my granny panties today.

I brushed my teeth with the tooth brush that was on the counter along with the washing my face. Before putting back on the shorts. And walking to the kitchen.

The where plates one already set out. With pancakes,  eggs, bacon on the plates.
Irvin was in middle of making the other plate when I walked in.

"Good morning"

"Morning" he said handing me my plate. He was dressed in a all black three piece suit.

We eat and slience but believe it or not I didn't act at all embarrass from this morning events.

We were driving back to my house. Obe we reached like usual he had opened the door me.
"Come back out when you ready"

I hurried not wanting him to Wait long. I took a short shower. Putting on a red dress that hug my every curve.

I usually didn't where things like this to work or at all but I felt good today.
Pairing the dress with some black strapped heels I hurry back to Irvin car.

Outfit below

Outfit below

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