South Korea x Japan

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I'm surprised I haven't made any Asian stuff yet (Since I'm half Asian even if i don't even look the part lol)

Anyways here it is!


also BTW I wrote this at 1:20 AM so please excuse any cringe

         Canada, being the kind and generous country he is, decided to host a Thanksgiving day party for everyone to attend. Both South Korea and Japan received invitation and happily agreed to show up, in fact almost every country said yes (Expect for Germany who was over his head in paperwork). SK had a weird relationship with Japan, They were definitely friends, but maybe more than that? They couldn't tell--both were also too shy to talk about it.

       Anyways, the fourth thursday of November came around and SK traveled up North to arrive at Canada's house only a few minutes before the party officially started. Canada greeted him excitedly while he admired the house, seemly a log cabin from the outside, but in reality a mansion on the inside. The shelfs were adorned with cups, plates, and about 50 bottles of maple syrup. His eyes suddenly moved to the sound of the door opening when he saw Japan walked in, clad in 3 layers of winter clothing. He walked slowly to greet him before he was interrupted by a sound loud noise which almost made him jump back in shock. It turns out it was just America slapping a microphone before loudly yelling into it, like he didn't know what a microphone even does in the first place.

"Are you all ready!?!? Well I don't care LET'S GO!"

          America started to play the loudest, most obnoxious music possible from the Canada's complex sound system, which seemed to almost shatter the glass bottles lining the room. That's when the party really started. Over a hundred countries ran aimlessly around the large living room, getting food, drinks, talking, laughing, it was a little much for the pair to get accustomed to since they were both life-long introverts. Although eventually they both found ways to merge into the crowd of people. South Korea found himself talking to France, Belgium, Ecuador, China, Spain, and many others. While Japan mostly conversed with his closer friends such as Nepal and Indonesia.

       Eventually the two bumped into eachother again near the corner of the room. They started talking, and talking, and talking until a few hours had past in what felt like minutes. During that time, Japan and South Korea realized that while normally they would get tired of a conversation after 5 minutes, they could hold a conversation with eachother pretty much forever.

        Out of the blue, there was a loud noise which engulfed the room... Somehow louder than the already ear-deafening music. Everyone turned the the source of the noise, only to find America drunk out of his mind screeching "Danc- *hic* Dance Time!!!" Which caused almost everyone to start jumping up and down along with throwing themselves into the crowd. Even the tamer countries such as Ukraine and Switzerland joined in.

"Oh my god..... This is a little too far.." Japan thought to himself before heading to the exit

       Japan was about to hop back in his car to enjoy a quiet evening and heal his splitting headache, when he stopped dead in tracks to see South Korea resting on a stone planter.


J: "Oh hey, I didn't see you there."

SK: "Heh.. Just getting away from that god awful party.."

J: "Yeah me too, all those lights and noises are a little overwhelming

SK: "So.... heh I guess you're not to keen on talking to people either.."

J: "Yeah I mostly just prefer to be by myself at home."

SK: "Me too.... Wait there's actually one thing I would prefer more..."

J: "What's that?"

SK: "Being with you."



*Suddenly South Korea leaned in a gave Japan a deep, passionate, kiss*  







J: Well...  Wanna go out for lunch tomorro--

SK: --How about dinner tonight? *He gave an expecting smile*


....... And before they knew it they were both excitedly driving towards the local steakhouse. 


Yay another one done

I'm thinking about making another book to keep stuff organized too 

also 684 words too

Thanks for reading!


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