Yandere France x Male reader (Creepiness)

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Hello yet again! I'm actually being consistent with uploads now (1 a week for now)

ALSO: This is my first x Reader Oneshot so it kinda sucks

Thanks to @ErickZamora387 for suggesting!

(France is Female in this story)


       You slowly open your eyes, one after the other, until you are greeted by the familiar sight of your badge colored ceiling, and bright yellow room light. You push yourself up from the bed, taking a quick glance at the glowing red clock on your bedside table. Your rub your eyes and push yourself up, thinking about how badly you would like a cup of [Favorite Drink] to wake yourself up. "Wow I only slept 40 minutes, I still got time to go to the grocery store.."  you think to yourself, slightly proud of your apparent productiveness. 

*Suddenly you feel a cold breeze which creates a chill down your spine*

      Following a few seconds of panic, you realize that you simply just forgot to close the window, you reach for the metal frame... only to see a piece of paper. You examine the paper slowly and realize that it's actually a note. You slowly start to read the text, which is written in a clean and orderly fashion.

Hey Y/N! I just wanted to ask you out for a date with me later today, if you do then just show up to cafe down the street at about 10:20 PM. (PS I know where you live)

- Love, France.

           "Oh god..." You mutter slowly under your breath as you drop the note on the floor. You start to feel a sense of dread and worry as a million thoughts go through your mind. You knew France was a little unconventional in her ways of stalking you, but this was the most panicking. Somehow she opened your window (which only locks from the inside) and left a note while suggesting she'll harm you if you refuse to show up. An even more worrying fact is that you've probably filed over 17 police reports about France, meaning the police won't even listen to a word you say anymore. The only plausible choice you have left is to meet France at the secluded, rundown, and malicious looking restaurant down the road.

        You glance a the clock... is reads 6:31... You try to take your mind off things by watching a bit of your favorite show, and talking to your friends online. After a few hours of laughing and joking, the smile quickly left your face when you realized that you needed to go soon, lest you be late and have an enraged France with a knife at your doorstep. You got up, said farewell to your friends, and decided to pack a bag which you placed soon items in you might need. Namely a small switchblade and pepper spray. Some people might have thought you were overreacting to the seemingly kind and gentle France, but you knew she's assaulted people in the past for simply looking at you wrong. You weren't packing these items to protect you from France as much as to protect others.

        Eventually the clock hits 10:00 and you wonder around the house making sure to lock the windows just as a safty precaution, although it's only a 3 room studio apartment so it doesn't take long. Then you're swiftly out the door, slowly wandering towards the cafe, taking your sweet time. It's not that you don't like France, It's just she can get quite attached and creepy sometimes. Anyways, you just have to get through this one 'date' before you can return to your comfy 1,000 dollar a month apartment. 

        You arrive to the seemingly rundown and abandoned cafe. You take a few steps inside, eyes darting to every person in the room, part of you hoping to not see France staring back at you. After a few seconds of looking, you see France returning your gaze with wide, happy eyes. You give a fake smile and walk on over towards the table France had reserved, taking a seat on the sticky plastic chair.


F: "Hey! Nice to see you again, you look beautiful today." She says in soft yet excited tone

Y/N:"H-Hello.... Nice to see you too" 

F: "So.. How's life been?"

Y/N: "Good... Hey this place is packed, why is there no one sitting in any of the tables surrounding us?"

F: "Oh! heh... I made a few more reservation so no creeps can disturb us....."

Y/N: "T-Thanks I guess...."

F: "No problem, so why don't you tell me a little more about yourself? Not that i haven't learned a lot by watching you"

Y/N "What do you mean watching me?"

F: "Oh at work, when you're sleeping, when you're walking around....."


      You just sat there shocked, How had France been able to stalk you without being caught? Why did she just say that so casually?  Your head swirled with the possibilities of exactly  how long France had been stalking you. Fortunately, France saw how uncomfortable she had just made you, and quickly saved the conversation by talking about a movie that had just came out. You and France started to talk and open up to eachother, talking for a while about current events, books, movies, people, and other topics. Afterall, France did know exactly what you liked. After a while, a waiter came approached your table and took your orders before disappearing into the dense crowd of people engulfing the entire restaurant.  

      About 30 minutes later, the waiter came back with a few plates of food and set them down infront you you. You both began to eat, continuing to joke around and laugh the entire time. The only off-putting thing France had done the whole evening was staring at you... directly in the eyes.. for about 15 minutes straight. Although even with the staring, you had forgotten that France was a Murderous psychopath, if only for a second. It was the only time you had seen her show authentic human emotion outside of being obsessed over you.

      As the evening began to wrap up, France asked one final question. "Hey Y/N, wanna meet up some other time? I had a great time with you tonight.."  You immediately responded with a firm "Sure!" thinking to yourself that maybe France wasn't such a creep after all. 

     As you both got up from your chairs you looked over at France throwing on her coat, and for a split second, and could see a few dozen pieces of paper stashed in her pocket. You immediately got a sinking feeling in your stomach, realizing that they were photos of you sleeping, taken only a few hours earlier. 

"What have I gotten myself into..?" You said to yourself, sighing quitely. 


Thank you for reading! Even though this definitely wasn't my best oneshot ever

also 1115 words nice.

Anyways, Bye for now!


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