Yandere Russia x America

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A litterly have 3 oneshots 3/4th way done in drafts, so I repurposed this one for this book to hold me over until I get them done.

Also comment if you can guess what game this oneshot originally came from

Anyways, Lets go


America POV :




I awoke to the annoying sound of my alarm clock, making me wish I had spent the extra 10 dollars for one that wasn't a pile of junk. I stood up and stretched my legs, dreading having to go to work just to be yelled at and exhausted. I reached for my dresser while taking out my uniform and apron, replacing the shorts and T-shirt I had been sleeping in. I then slowly stumbled down stairs to indulge in my only joy in life, a hot cup of coffee.

suddenly, I got a cold shiver down my spine...... Oh, it's just that the widows open again. That been a problem recently--windows just opening by themself during the night when i'm asleep. I'm not a paranoid person so I've just decided to place some books on the window frame to weight it down. Hopefully that would stop the wind from pushing the windows open.

Anyways, I quickly walked out of my house and towards the diner who I had the prestigious title of 'Head Waiter' at. Whatever that meant. I rushed through the doors and put down my stuff at the break room. I burst through the doors into the dining room.... only to see a horde of customers.... and a slightly enraged boss.


B: Where the bloody hell were you?!

A: Sorry... I overslept...

B: Okay. Fine. Just get out there and take some orders will ya?

A: I'll get on it.

B: One more time and you're done here got it?

A: Yes.... Sorry...


Overall not the way I wanted to start my day. I started taking orders and bringing out food and drinks to the hungry crowd of people, but I always had a lingering feeling i'm being watched. I continued my thankless work until 1:45 finally came, I immediately jumped up and rushed into the break room to eat lunch.

I turned around to the window to sit down and - Ah! What!? There was a guy just staring at me! I nearly jumped out of my skin, dropping my lunchbox onto the ground, and ducking under the window. I hid under that window for about 4 minutes before peaking my eyes back over.... thank god he was gone.... I seemed to startle him too, I quickly collected my scattered lunch off the ground, walking over to dining area hoping that guy wouldn't still be creeping around nearby. I sat down reaching into the brown paper bag and taking out a out a ham sandwich made with almost expired bread, and a bottle of water. I scarfed down the food, but in the corner of my eye I see something moving. I look other to see what's going on, my eyes darting around the room trying to see whats wrong. I had sort of been on edge since that first experience I had a few minutes ago. Eventually my eyes land on something grey in window. My heart stops as I realize what it is,

It's a human, staring at me with wide eyes .

I immediately hide behind the fluffy red upholstery of a booth, scared half to death, before shuffling out again and giving the most awkward, fake, unconvincing smile in existence.


That was the door. I walked on over to the counter and started to regurgitate the pre-made greeting my boss had forced me to memorize. I hoped it was just another regular none-stalker customer. "H-hey.. Welcome to the-" I turned the corner just to see a pair of impossibly wide bright blue eyes staring back at me.

"H-hey there..."

The person said unblinking. He had a long brown overcoat, with a brown fluffy usanka to match it. We just stood there for what seemed like an eternity before the guy spoke again.

"I-I... Can I talk to you real quick...? It'll be just a second.."

"S-sure.." I responded, he seemed like a nice enough guy. Maybe just a little unsociable.

*I lead the way to a booth and we both sat down*


R: "Thanks... For talking to me and all.. I can seem a little weird sometimes. My names Russia -by the way."

A: "No problem, i'm America. Anyways what did you want to say?"

R: "Uhh... I-I... Wanted to ask you out..."

A: "...... Okay..." *I said without thinking, still in little shock from earlier*

R: "Is that a yes!?"

A: " I guess..."

R: "Yes! Thank you so much. See you later!"


Russia burst out the door almost exploding with excitement before I could even say bye. He seems like a nice guy but there's something off about him... Sigh.. I guess I just need to get through that date tomorrow, I can't just leave him hanging. Jesus why'd I agree to a date!?

I pack up my things and start walking home thinking about what happened. I have been meaning to make more social interactions recently, maybe this could help me with that. Y'know... this might not be so bad after all. I open the door to my apartment and lay down my things at the door, I walk into my room... only to see an open window, and a note. I widen my eyes as I slowly reach for the pink coloured paper, slamming the window shut and locking it. My hands shook as I took the paper and read it:

Hey! Thanks Sooo much for going on a date with me! See you tomorrow night!

-Love Russia ♡

I gulped and took a deep breath. What have I got myself into?


Thanks for reading!

945 words, nice.

Anyways, bye for now!


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